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The Apparent Disappearance of some Buicks


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I already have this on buy/sell, but I have a lot of friends here in the pre-War section.  I'm just wondering if any of you know about a 1940 or 1941 Buick Roadmaster sedan or maybe even a coupe that is available, because apparently no more of them exist!  I've looked all over google at the sale sites for a year and a half, and hasn't been one '41 Roadmaster sedan.  There are a couple of very old ads for a 1940 and I'm sure those are sold by now.  One has been converted to 12 volts, and the other one is shabby so I wasn't excited by them.  I haven't seen an add for a '41 sedan in the last year and a half.  It's amazing to me. They built a little over 10,000 sedans.  Were they all used for convertible parts cars?  Seriously, not one person has responded to my want ad on the AACA or BCA sites.  Guess at 79 years old I've outlived them all. :)


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Here's one, it's been for sale for over a years since I began my search ($27,900).



Another, also has been listed for a year or better ($20,400 firm):



Another site with a few other Roadmasters, not sure if they are relisting or what:



I ran into one in eastern Indiana last year that was up for quick sale at about $11,000.  I can't find that one anymore.  I'm not sure where they all went but they pop up here and there.  Have you looked at the Buick club to see how many are listed with members?

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2 hours ago, kgreen said:

Here's one, it's been for sale for over a years since I began my search ($27,900).



Another, also has been listed for a year or better ($20,400 firm):



Another site with a few other Roadmasters, not sure if they are relisting or what:



I ran into one in eastern Indiana last year that was up for quick sale at about $11,000.  I can't find that one anymore.  I'm not sure where they all went but they pop up here and there.  Have you looked at the Buick club to see how many are listed with members?


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I'm talking with the people with the green '40 now, but I don't think it's going to work out.  The black '40 I talked to a year or more ago, and it's not in my consideration............I'll only tell you why privately.  The $11,000 '41 I found this morning and wrote but no reply.  No, I haven't studied the AACA roster.  I know a couple of BCA members who know of a '41.  One knows the man and promised to contact him.  The other knows him a little bit, but due to the holiday I haven't been able to get in touch with him....................that's the one I have my eye on once I can make some contact.  My Suburban is sitting here, running, and champing at the bit to go chase that one...................  :) ....................merely a figure of speech.  If you have considered the green car, wrote me separately and tell me why you have not chosen to move on it, and I'll tell you my reasons.  Aside from the price, it my have promise.  Thanks for writing KGreen!

Edited by Dynaflash8 (see edit history)
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