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Editor or Webmaster Seminars?

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7 hours ago, DamnTheTorpedo said:

Will there be seminars for newsletter editors and webmasters at this year's annual meeting in Philly?


Roger I am checking on the WebMaster seminar setup. I do know there will be one, just not yet sure of the details as they are still being prepared. Will certainly know more later.


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There will be a Webmaster Seminar open to all AACA Members.


Remember to wear your name tag. We will have smart techy people there from other countries that may try to sneak in to learn from!   :-)

Edited by R W Burgess
backward finger problems! (see edit history)
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11 hours ago, AnniesSS said:

Is there any chance the 'Editor' seminar will be recorded for those of us VERY interested, but unable to make it?? :)

That's a great idea Annie, but it has not been done yet. We need more young people in our club that do that all the time.


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