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Well the 9th Oct. and still no Bugle. Glad the bca switched printers so we can wait till the middle of the month for the Bugle. Not to mention the $5.00 dues increase for this.

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October Bugles were shipped last week, no mail today (Thanks Christopher C) and by the way this issue came in $6000 below last year's National Meet Issue, that didn't come out till November, Remember? smile.giffrown.gifblush.gif <BR> grin.gifwink.giftongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR><P>------------------<BR>Roberta<BR>BCA TREASURER 2000-2001<BR>BCA PRESIDENT 1998-2000<BR>BCA VICE PRESIDENT 1997-1998<BR>WEBMASTER<BR>Director-Michigan Chapter- Gran Sport Club of America 1989-Present<BR>http://www.geocities.com/buickracer<BR>1956 Special 2 door Sedan<BR>1966 Wildcats<BR>1968 GS-400 Convertible 4-speed<BR>1970 GSX Stage 1<BR>1970 Skylark Racecar - 11.26, 118 MPH, 7/22/00<BR>1986 GN, 4800 miles

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Hey Jim, glad your mailperson isnt's reading your Bugle, I think sometimes they are here, a few months ago, everyone in 48507 got their Bugle about a week later than the rest of Flint, of course, I complained at the PO and they had no answer. What do you think of it anyway, the October issue, yes there are a few mistakes yet, but they will be wittled out with time, but overall, the pictures are really nice, I think, of course cause I took most of them, look for the Bugle to have more and better pictures in the future. We have the technology!<P>------------------<BR>Roberta<BR>BCA TREASURER 2000-2001<BR>BCA PRESIDENT 1998-2000<BR>BCA VICE PRESIDENT 1997-1998<BR>WEBMASTER<BR>Director-Michigan Chapter- Gran Sport Club of America 1989-Present<BR>http://www.geocities.com/buickracer<BR>1956 Special 2 door Sedan<BR>1966 Wildcats<BR>1968 GS-400 Convertible 4-speed<BR>1970 GSX Stage 1<BR>1970 Skylark Racecar - 11.26, 118 MPH, 7/22/00<BR>1986 GN, 4800 miles

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Just got my new October Bugle... totally more than awesome. Front & back covers are totally rad. Photos pop on that glossy stock - had to put my shades on! It'z the finest car mag out there. Now I wait for my mail dude to bring my Bugle.

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Hey Dude! Thanks for the compliments! Way to go! There more to come let me tell you!<P>------------------<BR>Roberta<BR>BCA TREASURER 2000-2001<BR>BCA PRESIDENT 1998-2000<BR>BCA VICE PRESIDENT 1997-1998<BR>WEBMASTER<BR>Director-Michigan Chapter- Gran Sport Club of America 1989-Present<BR>http://www.geocities.com/buickracer<BR>1956 Special 2 door Sedan<BR>1966 Wildcats<BR>1968 GS-400 Convertible 4-speed<BR>1970 GSX Stage 1<BR>1970 Skylark Racecar - 11.26, 118 MPH, 7/22/00<BR>1986 GN, 4800 miles

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Guest John Chapman

Shazbot! Today, I waited patiently for the Mail Babe (and she <I>IS</I>!} to bring my Bugle... along about 2:30, realized why I wasn't at work today was the same reason the MB wouldn't be by... Oh, well....

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The current month Bugle discussed the cost of printing the roster. I would suggest using the coated stock on the photo pages and non coted stock on the other pages. May be the savings would help with the cost of the roster. It would certainly make the printed part of the magazine easier to read.

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I suppose I should wait for my September issue before I get my October issue. Or is that how we are saving money, not sending them all out? <P>Glossy pages that are hard to read, many typos (I did get to see someone else's issues for Sept. and Oct.), HOT ROD style cover, and a budget, no matter how many times I look at it, that is still much higher than last year, I expect a lot more. <P>But should I? Taking the Bugle away from a Buick Club member, I guess that means we shouldn't expect the personal touch anymore. I am disappointed that the dues have gone up but it seems we have gone backward in what, we, the members get in return. Now we do not get a roster anymore, of course we are told that we could print one every three years, big deal, why waste the effort for something that is out of date and/or not useful the next year. <P>I will allow the BCA to take my money each year and give me back less tangible items, at least the entertainment of seeing how this club is run is worth the money.

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Just my two cents but think about this. The roster comes out every two years. Most times it is outdated before it gets mailed. Well almost anyway. To be able to get on this website and view it or download it would be great. Here it should always be current. And what about the people who do not have internet access? Send them the hard copy. That would greatly reduce the cost of the roster. To save money our chapter is e-mailing our monthly newsletter to those with e-mail and sending a hard copy for those who don't. The advantage is with e-mail we are able to get the pictures in color. Like I said, just my two cents worth.

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I have also not recieved my September or October Bugle. As the Director of the Gopher State Chapter, maybe I am supposed to read the one sent to our club, but I expected to get a personal copy also, since I am paying $35 a year to the National.<P>Perhaps in transferring the addresses from one computer system to another, some of the "dupicate" addresses were dropped, since my name is on the Chapter newsletter and my personal copy as well.<P>At our last meeting, we sent around a list and I have a partial copy of the members that were present who have not recieved their copies of the Bugle. I will bring it to the Board meeting in Tampa this weekend as I will be there!<P>I also do not like the glossy pages (harder to read) and the shorter articles (although I have not seen the October issue and have no comment on that one).

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Whoa . . . Dudes and Dudettes. Having problems reading the new glossy Bugle? Do like I do dudes . . . throw in a 600 watt bulb above the throne and the glare disappears. Totally rad. (This only works when reading Time, Newsweek, Playboy and the new Bugle.) To avoid nasty sunburn, replace the bulb with a 20 watter when reading the old Bugle and the National Enquirer. Chill Dudes.<BR>

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