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It is a little bit different. When you click on "go to inbox" it actually takes you to all of your messages. The inbox is actually all messages, not just the ones that you received. You don't have to click between inbox and sent, they are all in the "inbox". While it may be easier due to not having to click back and forth between the different categories, it is not what any of us is used to, so it does seems odd.  

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As for your second question, you can post a "status update" on a profile. As best as I can tell, that is a public message rather than a private message. I don't personally care for that and think that it may be confusing enough that perhaps it should be disabled. I received one of those shortly after the forum software update and it took me a while to figure out what it was.

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Really what makes the "Inbox" confusing is the panel on left is labeled "Messages", but it is really a list of conversations that you have posted in. If you click on one of the items in the list it will show the conversation in the panel on the right. The panel on the right shows all the messages that were sent and received in that conversation.


The right panel also shows who is in the conversation at the top. There may be more than just you and one other person in the conversation. Anyone in the conversation can invite other forum members to the conversation. I don't agree with this.

Always look to see who is in the conversation when you post a reply. More people may be reading your reply than you intended. I found this out the hard way. It can be very embarrassing.

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