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Any way to leak test heater control valve?


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After soaking my original cable operated inline heater valve from my 64 with PB blaster for a few days, I finally got the valve to free up.  It's operating pretty well, but is there a way to check it for leaks with it out of the car?  Is pouring water in it and seeing if it leaks sufficient, or does it need to be under some pressure for a true test?  Would rather catch it now versus once it's in the car.





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You could get a bicycle innertube and cut out a section and clamp in the valve, using hose clamps. Use a skinny road bike tube 700c or something similar. Then just use a bike pump or compressor to pressurize it and dunk in a bucket of water and look for bubbles.



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Good ideas - I'll try the blow test first though I'm sure I'll be tasting PB Blaster for a few days..  If that passes, I'll clamp an extra piece of heater tubing i have on to the valve and connect the other end to my compressor blower fitting and set at about 10-12psi to test it in a bucket of water.  appreciate the ideas.  Thanks!

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Or if you have an old garden hose lying around, clamp one end of it to the valve and connect the other end to your outdoor spigot and turn the water on.  Open and close the valve a couple of times and look for leaks.  Plenty of pressure there and your going to be running water through it anyway.  A couple of pin hole leaks probably won't amount to much seepage and you can always put a manual valve inline for the summer to completely shut off the water.  

Didn't someone recently post a thread about an aftermarket valve they installed to work with the OE cable and bolted to the OE bracket?



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