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1926 Standard no pickup at 'high' speed


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The pickup seems fine at low speed in the first two gears in our '26 standard six but above 15mph in third gear there doesn't really seem to be any real power at all (I know obviously they're not fast cars but I'd expect something). I've checked that the brakes aren't dragging

Is there anything obvious I should be checking or adjustments?

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A friend of mine had the same problem and that was the spark plug cover.The wires wasn`t insulated good enoug.Or to long spark plugs if they are covered with the cover plate.And be sure to clean the dist cap inside.

Leif in Sweden.

I had that problem before, it took me a while to figure out what was causing the noise - I replaced the leads with some from bobs that seemed to solve that issue. I'm guessing that's why there are so many cars that seem to be missing the the cover.. My distributor (both the unit and the cap) is fairly worn (I'm always looking out for a 26 disto and/or rotor to come up) so that might not be helping the performance. It's not in terrible condition but is showing its age

The car is all original mechanically, so still running the original vacuum tank and marvel carb - it just doesn't seem to have as much oomph as it should

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