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Dads 1930 DC8 Coupe


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I remember reading on these forums about factory writing in specific places inside the Dodges. Came across this today- Drives door, should I assume it means Taupe Mohair?

These were under the seat. The 4 way is not original, but I feel the crank & the tire tool is. What is the flat bar?


Isn't the exterior paint somewhere inside the interior as well?

My Thanks



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Pictures are not large enough to see details but the flat bar is likely what was used to pry the tire off the rim. Something someone would use often back in the day, not original equipment.

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So here is the rear next to the window...

It says Black DC 3-26 or 3-36

Was it all black or black & DC? So is the DC because this is a DC8, or was that paint initials?

Is 3-26 a date? or os 3-36 a code?



Most likely model Dodge Coupe, I know says DR which is model , I would say all black, only way i got my trim code was to get build card with color codes on it..


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How about the T/M?

We've seen the flat bar before- and have seen too many for them to be homemade. Didn't know the use, figured it had to be tire, but what was the slot used for...

These tire tools were manufactured by the millions by various companies, as mentioned changing tires at the side of the road back then was a given not an oh shiz like today so everyone with common sense carried one.

Im not guaranteeing that is what the tool is, again pictures are small and Id only be guessing what the slot would be for, also the cut-out at the end must serve some purpose but what?

Edited by 1930 (see edit history)
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