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6 volt positive ground electronic ignition kit.


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Seems like you would still have all the same issues as a normal breaker point system - because it is still using the breaker points! So, the thing is some kind of "regulated" condenser? What else can it be considering the way it is connected?

If this system still uses the points then they will still affect the timing, will be susceptible to things like point bounce, wear and water.

Why not just have the distributor rebuilt to specs, new springs and points installed and maybe a new coil. Again, the original engineering works fine if it is up to the original engineering specs.

If you want to go "electronic" then you need to go all the way and get rid of the points. That's the idea of "electronic ignition". "Pertronix" is the only game out there that I am aware of, and the distributor needs to be working smoothly - bushings and all - even then.

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I agree. The kits you can get these days have improved a lot from when they first appeared. How well this kit works I don't know but with the points still operating it seems to defeat the object. I just thought it was a novel idea worth posting for discussion purposes.


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Hi Ron. You have some clever people over there which does not surprise me. I think most DB owners do not do enough mileage to worry about points wear but some do a lot and it may be useful for them but the better plan seems to be full electronic ignition if a change is preferred to the original set up. I am not likely to cover enough miles to worry about fuel consumption but if it improves the general performance I will have to consider it. Anything that helps the old girl get up the hills around here would be nice but I doubt it would make a difference. Fortunately, my car now starts easily and runs just fine but it could really do with some new distributor bushes to improve timing.

I guess there is no news on the water pump or exhaust manifold? You would have said, I'm sure.


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