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Please help ID older VDO brand dash clock --Studebaker? VW? Porshce?


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Hello. I need your assistance, folks. I have a nice older dash clock, marked "Made in Germany" and "VDO" at the edge of the clock face. It seems to have a code stamped into the back, which might indicate a date of 1959. See photos:




Some friends and collectors I know suggested that, "Made in Germany" was probably a clue that it was VW or Porsche (of course, Germany had many other brands of cars too!), while another guy told me that Studebaker might have used VDO-brand instruments. So that is why I put those 3 car names in the headline.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks SO much! :)

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I've had a few early VWs. The face does not LOOK like it is for a VW (or Porsche) to me.

It is dated 1959. What is the diameter? I might be interested in buying it if it will FIT in my VW and is for sale.

My VW is actually a Nov/Dec 1952, though.


Hello. I need your assistance, folks. I have a nice older dash clock, marked "Made in Germany" and "VDO" at the edge of the clock face. It seems to have a code stamped into the back, which might indicate a date of 1959. See photos:

Some friends and collectors I know suggested that, "Made in Germany" was probably a clue that it was VW or Porsche (of course, Germany had many other brands of cars too!), while another guy told me that Studebaker might have used VDO-brand instruments. So that is why I put those 3 car names in the headline.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks SO much! :)

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It looks like it says Made in Germany there.

Ahh, thanks, good eyes!

Lump, Germany was world renown as clock makers for much of contemporary history and were regarded for their high quality and precision so don't limit your search options to only German made cars tho that's a good place to start. They supplied clocks for autos, trucks, commercial equipment, boats, mopeds, etc.

Maybe try using German language search terms such as Uhr=Clock, Autouhr=Car Clock, and so on. I know DKW used some gold tones in their dash instruments but from what I recall they were gold & black not gold & creme.

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Wow! That's pretty to me (German blood lines). I'd think that clock has more precision in it than some whole cars! Lol!

I so miss having real clocks in cars. When I have a millisecond to glance down for the time I don't want to see anything other than time. Clocks in built into digital radios are usually a frustration to me. Give me a real, dedicated clock!

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