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Bumper filler question again.

Guest wildcat465

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Guest wildcat465

I know we have been over this many times already.

I am finally getting the exterior of my 84 done this winter and will need fillers.

I have read all the grumbling and have the read Ed's article in the Riview. Searching the net, I find ABS ones listed for a wide range of prices. They all look the same, are they made by the same guy? Is there a "best fitting" brand? I do not see the fiberglass ones listed for sale anywhere.

If they all need work, why wouldn't I just get the lowest priced ones and sit down and start working on them myself?


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When I owned my 85 (about 5 years ago, now) I bought fiberglass ones on ebay. I had already been warned by Ed as to what to expect. I filed and sanded and sanded and filed until they fit "driver quality"....couldn't get them to fit any better.

I agree with you...just buy the cheapest ones and file and sand and sand and file.

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Guest northmn

Yes I also agree you had better expect to buy lots of fiberglass or plastic filler and be prepared for lots of dust from all the grinding and sanding. The stuff is like drywall compound and gets all over everything. I ended up sanding mine outside. You also might consider trying to find a body man to do them if lucky. Good luck.

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Paul back when I was having a set put on my 85 driver 2 years ago everyone I called (3 different sellers) said they do not carry the fiberglass ones because the fit was so terrible most every set was returned. There is only one manufacturer of these but many distributors. Ed can explain better but every set made seemed to warp or diminish the molds hence the terrible fit. I was not happy the way the body shop fit mine either. I would just call Bobby Ward at North Yale Auto in Sperry, OK he gives ROA members a discount and advertises in the Riview. Bob (northmn) has a lot of experience with them as he's done a super frame off restro of his 83 T-Type!!!

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Guest wildcat465

Thank you Ship, Bob, and Jayson. I am glad you replied, though I am amazed that the Batmobile thread got 3 times as many replies on the Riviera Forum.

I am pleased that I have met all of you and appreciate your expertise. I will call Bobby and get them ordered so I can get to sanding and hopefully have them ready when the car is ready for paint.

If all goes well, we will have it ready for Lexington!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest M85RIV

Well, for the record, I'm working on my now and went with the fiberglass due to the extra seam issue with the ABS. Fitted the rear on sunday and would like others opinions. I think they fit decent around the rear quarter panel, but around the tail lights is terrible. The right side has a gap, while I'll have to trim the left side. The center piece is just sitting there, but you can see how they just overlap on the outside one.... the edge is not a finish "cut" either. I'm thinking this will wear and rub once painted.post-87235-143141794561_thumb.jpg





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Guest M85RIV

Also, they are not flexible at all.... so you can't really adjust for bad molds, or tweak really easy. (Think about trying to flex your fiberglass shower stall or something like that) That is the problem I'm having on the front... on the left side, the curvature isn't enough, so when I get the bottom in place, then there is a gap at the top (because the inner lip of the top fiberglass isn't bent downward enough.

These fiberglass ones are from Replica Plastics and I'm thinking of returning them, if they will take them. I see that E&K now has the ABS ones in 4 sections on the rear, just like the OEM. I don't mind having to redrill holes to get things to fit, but in my opinion the seams that show shouldn't have to be "finished" to look good.

I know everyone's not happy with the replacements, but are my fiberglass ones worse than the ABS? I don't want to go through having them painted and then not being happy, so I'm thinking about scrapping at this point in favor of the ABS.

Also, thanks Ed for your write up on the process. One other question, does everyone pop rivet the front center piece back on to the plastic piece that attaches to the bumper??


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I'm not quite sure of your quesiton but for the center front I just fastened it to the bumper. One thing I didn't do on either of mine was to reinstall the grill shell extensions to the fillers. They don't come with the kit and if they're missing from the car, you'll not have any. No matter, no one ever noticed.

Going back to a previous thread, those look terrible. The quality control has gone to pot. I'd send them back, send them a link to this thread so they can see what word of mouth among the hobbyists is doing to their product, ask for a complete refund, and try the E&K ones. That sounds like something new on the market since I did the write-up.


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Yes I agree that's a bad fit. That's why I like to use the ABS so they will flex a little bit when mounting and fitting. But those aren't too good either.

I think I have a new set for the front. They go between the fender and the bumper. I can bring them to Kentucky if anyone is interested. They are original, not repro. The cost is 120 dollars for the set of two.I only have the two pieces. They are both soft and pliable. I will not ship these as I am afraid they will get damaged. Gene.

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Guest merrillcrosbie

I have a question about maintenance of the OEM fillers. Mine are original and still quite flexible and I am hoping they will last for many more years. But, I do get a little nervous now hitting them with a high pressure wash because I don't want them to crack. My convertible is always garaged, and I suspect the sun is responsible for a lot of the deterioration of these parts. So hopefully mine will continue to hold up.

But, does anyone know of a dressing or other maintenance tip to keep them flexible and looking like new? Maybe a sunscreen? So far what ever I am doing seems to be right, but I would like to be more proactive in maintaining the original fillers if possible.

Mine is white and I am wondering if the color matters much on the aging of these parts. Logic kinda tells me that white would last longer, but I don't know if that is really true.

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