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I know the rear panel has a trim piece that fastens to the body below the trunk, but my question is, DOES IT HAVE A RUBBER STRIP THAT IS ATTACHED TO THE SHIELD, AND CONTACTS THE BUMPER ITSELF at the rear of the shield/panel?

If someone would look and advise me of such I would be most grateful.

Dale in Indy

Edited by smithbrother (see edit history)
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Well, since no one has offered info, then I will proceed to complete my aluminum panel. I have added a soft weather strip to the front where it contacts the lower trunk area, and will add a rubber sheeting at the rear where it meets up with the bumper. I will use flat sheeting, somewhat flexible, but not floppy.

I want to keep stuff that can be kicked up from the air movement under the car from hitting the lower front side of the bumper and finding its way to the top of the gravel shield/panel. This rubber sheeting will be approx. 2 " X the width of the panel.

Thanks for all the GREAT INFO, hehehe.

Things like this my great mind can figure it out. LOL.

Dale in Indy

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You are way out in left field trp, I had inserted LOL, in no way was I yelling, Caps can also be to emphasize. I NEVER yell at anyone, period.

I was laughing at myself, give me a break, lighten up, this is an example of some one assuming something that wasn't present. You didn't hear the tone of my voice, or see my body movements, and ASSUMED WRONG.

I enjoy this site, and don't tell me different.

Maybe your back is aching.......

Dale in Indy

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Dale: Looked in my 28-41 Parts Book that has an exploded view of the rear bumper and sheet metal assemblies. I can't detect any sort of rubber gasket or seal in the picture. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, though. A quick peruse of the parts listing didn't reveal anything such as a "gasket" or "seal"; but it could be called something different. Guess the need for a 41 expert to reply is still there.

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Guest Grant Magrath

I would love to help, but the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, one thing led to another, and before we knew it, it was 1946!

BTW, do any of the suppliers offer such a seal? You would think Steel Rubber wold have something on the books if it existed.



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I dont know if the 41's had a seal or not but if you cant find anything else if may be worth looking at the one from a 46/48 Ford or Mercury.

They have about a 1/2 inch wide stiffening step around the outside of the metal cover and the rubber fits over that and blocks the gap to the bumper.


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Thank You David for the suggestion. I found some flat rubber sheet that I am cutting to match the curve of the bumper, and fastening it to the aluminum shield/panel I made. Yesterday I made the front shield, only it is is two pieces. Like the reap panel I rolled it under somewhat like the original at the ends. Looks good. I rolled in a couple long beads to add a nice look, and to aid in preventing the OIL CANNING effect.

I split soft rubber tubing that I sliped over the bumper brackets so that the panel won't rattle. I tied such to the brackets with plastic wire ties.

Thanks again,

Dale in Indy

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Hello Dale: Yes, all these shields have a rubber strip that butts up agains the outside fender, where it curves. It is attached with large staples and runs (CURVES) for approx. the top 1/2 of the length of the shield. I have a NOS rear gravel shield for a 1941, models 50 and 70, and it is on the desk in front of me. If anyone is interested in buying my 1941 shield just let me know at brooker50158@hotmail.com. Cost $40.00 plus shipping. Thanks, Patrick W. Brooks, BCA#3939

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I own a 41' 76c and purchased both pieces from Chuck Emery who advertises regularly in the Bugle, the were a perfect fit. If I remember correctly, one piece is painted black and fastens to the inside of the bumper with the bumper bolts, the other larger pan is painted body color and fastens to the body below the trunk and slides under the smaller black piece seperated by "anti-rattle" rubbers which I purchased from Steele Rubber; I dont remember a seal at the ends where the large pan meets the inside of the fenders, the two dont touch each other.


I know the rear panel has a trim piece that fastens to the body below the trunk, but my question is, DOES IT HAVE A RUBBER STRIP THAT IS ATTACHED TO THE SHIELD, AND CONTACTS THE BUMPER ITSELF at the rear of the shield/panel?

If someone would look and advise me of such I would be most grateful.

Dale in Indy

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