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63 riviera proper choke operation

Guest Steeleco

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Guest Steeleco

Could someone post a picture of a 63 riv carb with the choke fully closed (not sure if mine is closing all the way).



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Guest Steeleco

Thanks to Jim for posting the photo (beautiful clean machine). On my car the choke is closing almost all the way, and seems to open up as it gets warm as well. I hope someone can help me diagnoss my problem. Here ar my symptoms and some checks I have done.


1. If car sits overnight it cranks and cranks but will not fire.

2. If you put a little fuel directly in the carb it fires right up and will fire right up for the rest of the day.

Tests (or checks I have done)

1. Plenty of fuel where the fuel line connects to the carb.

2. After sitting nothing squirts out of the pup jets when you actuate the accelerator pump.

3. If I start the car (with a little prime) it runs great, and will restart right up, but still no fuel come out of the pump jets when I actuate the accelerator pump.

4. With the car running (and it runs good) even when I rev the engine hard I can't actually see any streams of fuel.

What am I missing or not understanding. Here are pictures of the carb.post-85701-143139111128_thumb.jpg

Any help is appreciated.




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You do know that when starting the car, since its got a card with a choke. You press the gas to the floor once then turn the key to try and start it.

Is the carb hot or cold in the pics? Have you pressed it to the floor first? the Choke is locked open until the gas pedal is depressed then the choke closes to the required spot and as it warms up it will open fully.

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Guest Steeleco

Alini, yes the carb is warm in these pictures, obviously its open as the engine had been running a while. I don't think I have a choke problem. It closes when the engine is cold.

Thanks alot!

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If you are not seeing a good steady stream of fuel out of the accel pump jets when the car is warm you have accelerator pump issues. This is a very typical problem which will surely cause hard cold starting and produce a hole or bog when burying the throttle from a stop. Probably time to rebuild the carb,

Tom Mooney

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How much of the talk should I believe about the newer fuels with the ethanol in them. I've heard that because of the blend, that they have a tendency to evaporate quickly. Any truth to that? If so, to what extremes?



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Guest Steeleco

Hey Tom,

To replace the accelerator pump does the carb have to be torn down very far? Or removed from the car?



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If you feel the actuation of the Choke plate is correct, the only other piece is the accelerator pump (as mentioned). With quick movement of the throttle (like setting the choke) gas is pumped into the carb, to ensure enough gas to start the car. The accelerator pump is located in the front left corner of the carb. You can see the linkage in your pic 'carb4' Its the left most linkage in the pic to the rod that runs down into the corner of the top of the carb. Replacing it is as simple as unscrewing the top of the car and disconnect the link.

Are you only having problems when cold, or is it hard to start when warm too? If you are having problems starting all the time, I would rebuild the carb completely and replace the gaskets, ensure everything is tight and make sure your passages are clear. Your idle fuel adjustments may need a tweak.

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Dont know the finer points regarding the modern fuel blends but I`m sure that has nothing to do with the posted problem. If I had to express a very unresearched guess to your question I would think any change in evap rates due to the current mild blends should not demand any significant changes in the way we operate or maintain our cars aside from small tuning/carb adjustment changes.


Yes, one can change the accel pump by simply removing the top of the carb. Make sure the other small components of the accel system, check ball, etc..are in place. Best to consult the factory shop manual as it is very thorough in its description of carb operation and illustrations.

The `60`s manuals are very good about describing theory of operation unlike the later model manuals. Take advantage of that, the answers are almost always right there in the service manual. Good luck,

Tom Mooney

Edited by 1965rivgs (see edit history)
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