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Ever wonder WHY?

Matt Harwood

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I often browse Ebay looking for bargains, as we all do, and sometimes come across something that is obviously the result of some fellow's obsession. Here's such a vehicle:

Replica/Kit Makes Replica/Kit Makes | eBay

Now, I'm not going to comment on the results, but someone has a TON of work invested there, and probably had a vision of what it would be when complete. But...why?

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The obvious reaction for most of us is to pick apart all the mismatched items. Be it era conflicts with the body style and the rims or the look of beautiful wood juxtaposed to the parts car seats and bargain bin radio.

That is through our eyes though, and not the builder.... chacun son goût I guess.

Like you said though is the larger question of why do all this work for that end result? I would think that its tantamount to asking why mountain climbers do what they do, all you get from them when asked is "because its there"

Some things I guess just can't be explained to others.

Edited by stealthbob (see edit history)
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Guest sscargo

As I am building my own crazy project. People ask why, and what will you do with it when it is finished. The answer like the earlier answer. It really is about the climb. When I'm done I will be able to go to some car shows with my daughter and that bonding time will be priceless.


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No pictures, unfortunately, but 15 or so years ago, there was a gentleman who drove a home/handbuilt car around the town where I now live.

It sort of resembled a Volkswagen, but it had a home built frame, and each body panel was unpainted aluminum, and very obviously hand hammered.

What went through this fellow's brain when he built it?

Well, he wanted a car. A car of his design. A car that was different from every other vehicle on the road. He built, he hammered, and he ended up with a different car, one that he drove daily, and it was an eye grabber, albeit not that attractive.

I've never understood these odd cars either, nor the time spent building them, when the end result, to my and many eyes, is awful.

Viewpoints? My father had a salesman at an Oldsmobile dealership, Dad had bought 40 or more Oldsmobiles by this time in the early 1980's (he started in the 30's, and every other year bought a new car for him and my mother). One day I drove up in my then-owned 1956 Thunderbird, red and beautiful. The salesman leaned through the window, and, using a word I think I coined, in all seriousity said "David, you need to sell this old thing and buy a nice new Oldsmobile"!

His view of the world was that any car over 2 years old, regardless of design or collector status, was a "used car" and needed to be disposed of for a new model.

We all see the world through different eyes. Yes, I think the vehicle you reference has driven through an ugly forest and hit every tree, but that's not the viewpoint of the builder....

Edited by trimacar (see edit history)
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