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Lost vin tag saga continues....

Guest seattlerivi

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Guest seattlerivi

So I have managed to find the title to my 63 but this vin tag being gone is still an issue. Im thinking of trying to track down the previous owners . Anyone know of a way to leverage the vin to find previous owners?



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OK Seattle: I also have a 63 Riv without a vin tag. It was there when I inspected the vehicle and after I got it home I noticed it was attached with bogus fasteners. It also doesn't match the engine number (both numbers are 63 Riviera). Because of the low dollar amount and the fact that I am reasonably sure I can eventually get a "State of California" vin tag issued I wasn't worried about it too much.

While working on another 63 Riv I have I noticed that the vin# is actually embossed on the firewall. I don't know if all 63 Rivieras have this but it is something to look for. Of course the vin# on the engine along with some kind of paper documentation that matches is of great help.

60 Electra has responded with the data tag info but to make things clear here it is the VIN tag on the cowl by the driver's side windshield wiper that I am referring to. In a post by 70Electra (different person) a while back he mentioned that it very well might be against the law to swap vin tags in all states. I would think that info is accurate.

In California the DMV has high prices and lousy service. Any transaction or business other than a routine registration or transfer can get very complicated. Ask 10 DMV employees the same question and you might get more than 10 different answers.

Good luck with your lost vin. I think the most important item you will need to straighten things out is tenacity! Mitch

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Guest seattlerivi

Thanks everyone... Id also love to see a pic of the vin stamp on the firewall!!! I did find a vin stamp on the engine block but it doesn't match the title vin( I was able to find out that the engine was a replacement from a 65). I did hear that there is a stamp someplace on the driver side frame. Wondering if anyone has ever actually found the frame vin stamp. Also in Washington if I can't find the vin I have to bond the car...meaning I can sell it or revin it for 3 years! I'll chase any lead so please keep them coming !!! Also does anyone know of a way to trace owners back via vin or title? Im wondering if I can trace history that way as well.

Thank you all!

Edited by seattlerivi (see edit history)
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Quote: " I did hear that there is a stamp someplace on the driver side frame. Wondering if anyone has ever actually found the frame vin stamp."

On your first thread about the missing VIN, a week ago I posted a link to Dave G.'s facebook page and explained which pictures show a VIN on a '65 frame.

It's post #8 on your original thread, does it not show when you view it?.


Edited by RivNut (see edit history)
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Also does anyone know of a way to trace owners back via vin or title? Im wondering if I can trace history that way as well.

Thank you all!

Even if your DMV would still have the ownership history on record, it would take an act of congress to get it or you'd need a close friend on the DMV inside who could illegally get it for you. Due to laws passed, they can not give out that type of information. Years ago they did but those days are long gone to the misfortune of many classic car owners trying to piece together their cars history. Your best chance of finding previous owners is to work backwards from the person you bought it from, and who they bought it from, etc. Check all your documentation and look for names that may have been previous owners.

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Guest seattlerivi

Dave G's facebook page does show a clear shot of the vin on the frame of a 65, i have a 63...it seems that there are some inconsistencies on how they did things from 63-65 so I am just asking to see if anyone can 100% confirm that it’s in the same place on a 63 before I go tearing things apart.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


Regardless I am very thankful to all of you for the help.<o:p></o:p>

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