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Thanks to Tom Laferriere

Matt Harwood

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A few weeks ago, a friend of mine in Canada went looking for a mid-60s Dodge Polara for his father as a gift. His father had one years ago, and now that he's retiring, my friend was hoping to get one they could work on together.

He found one in Rhode Island and asked if I knew anyone there who could look at it. I contacted Tom Laferriere, who is a regular on these forums and who lives in the area (how big is Rhode Island, right?). Tom was more than happy to go have a look at the car, and did so quickly so the deal wouldn't get cold. I'm glad he did, because it turns out the car was a little rougher than pictures would indicate, and it was nice having a knowledgeable car guy put his eyes on it.

Tom was extremely helpful, sending photos to my buddy, and making the trip on his own time. He's a sincere guy who likes to see people happy with their cars, and I think he helped us dodge a bullet here. The search continues, and I'm relieved that I don't have to worry about my friend handing his father the keys to a Dodge Rustmobile.

This is a hobby made of up of people who help each other, and I just wanted to take a moment and thank someone who stepped up and helped me out in a big way. So thanks, Tom!

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Matt, I have mentioned this before but absolutely second that compliment, I have bought, sold and consigned with Tom with 100% satisfaction. True, we have become friendly but business is business and I do have friends I would not do business with. No pressure, honest and if Tom has any faults it is that he is an enthusiast first and businessman second - just the kind of person you want to be dealing with when you are ready to make a major investment such as a hobby car.

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