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Guest bofusmosby

It might be rather difficult to find someone who is willing to trade their car for these items. Don't get me wrong, I have collected stamps and coins most of my life. You might be better off selling your collection, and then buying a car with the proceeds. You would have a better chance of finding someone who is willing to buy your collection, and not limited to someone who collects these items AND has an old car. Just my opinion.

Good luck!

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Jim, Thanx for your response..............yes, it would seem that selling the collections and then buying a car would be logical; however, finding a venue /market is not easy for me since I have been out of the stamp/coin loop for many years. I just thought a car guy might be in the market for these items and we could work up a trade.

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Guest bofusmosby


The possibility is there, it just limits you with the number of prospective buyers that would fit you criteria. As far as the coins go (maybe even your stamps) you might want to check the prices these items are selling on Ebay. It'l just give you an idea where the market it right now. I know that with the economy the way it is right now, it might be herd to get top dollar for just about anything. Who knows, maybe there is someone here that collects coins and stamps that has a few extra cars they don't have time to get to. It could be a win win situation for both.

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Guest bofusmosby

Harry, you might want to post this in the buy/sell section, and advertise it as wanted for trade. There are so many people that visit this site, who knows, maybe you can draw up some interest. It would br great if you could come up with a deal with someone. One thing is for sure. If someone has a storage space issue, the items you are offering for trade would definately take up a lot less space. You also might want to elaborate a little on exactly what you have.

Good luck!

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Guest bofusmosby

The fact of the matter is that the age of a coin (or anything else) is not the main determining factor to its worth. For example, a 1955 double-die penney will be worth far more that a 1755 colonial coin....well, most of them. Just like cars (as you well know), the fewer that were made, and the better their condition, the more they are worth. I have one seated liberty dime that I found with my metal detector that is worth over $1,000. It just happens to be the right date in the right condition.

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I have a lot of collections of many kinds .....

Honestly I don't care how much money(?) any of it is worth. An objects real value to me is my own enjoyment

Sorry Stamps, coins, or baseball whatever, are just not as much fun as an old truck

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