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Bookbinder's for Annual Meeting

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Sorry to have to announce that the "original" Bookbinder's Restaurant, 2nd & Market, closed after 135 years of business this week.<P>It was on the Southeast Pa news today. The owners cite Sept. 11, trendy chain restaurant comptetition, lack of tourist' trade, and, the maintenance of the building.<P>A few mentioned going there during the Annual Meeting. Thought I would post this to save you folks time.<P>With regret,<P>Peter J. frown.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]

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Peter, there was always some confusion regarding the two Bookbinder resturants. One claimed to be the "original" and the other claimed to be the only still operated by the "original" family. The one we've been going to is around the corner from the old Bellevue Stratford hotel, across the street from a parking garage. Is that the one that closed? mad.gif" border="0

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Guest BruceW

I can't remember the location of the Bookbinders that we went to during the Annual Meeting, I think is was near the center of the city. I remember it was about the center of the block. <P>It had a lot of dark wood inside and very high ceilings. There was a seperate enclosed foyer at the entrance, behind which was the cash register. A large place to hang coats was on the right as you entered. At the front window on the opposite side was a small bar where they steamed the seafood and such.<P>Any idea if this is the "original" Bookbinders that closed?? (hope not!). It was a favorite stop for dinner during the Annual Meeting in Philly.

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Good morning, folks.<P>Now that Bruce mentioned the 15th Street location, you are OK. It is the "Old Original Bookbinders", 2nd & Walnut (Old City) that is closing. The one that you folks visit is known as "Bookbinder's 15th Street Seafood House", Center City, which remains open and there is no business relations between the two.<P>From today's Reading Eagle, Reading, PA, I take (swipe) the following text to explain the difference (confusion) between the 2 restaurants:<P>"...the restaurant's history is cloudy. While it advertised that it dated to 1865, it probably opened in 1893 as an oyster saloon run by Samuel Bookbinder at 525 S. 5th St. and moved to the current site (2nd & Walnut) in 1898.<P>In the 1930's, a family tiff led to 2 Bookbinder operations - the one as 2nd & Walnut Streets, run by Samuel's daughter Harriette Bookbinder-Blackburn, and Bookbinders 15th Street Seafood House in Center City, run by the founder's grandsons Sam and Dick.<P>The 2 restaurants are not related.<P>After Bookbinder-Blackburn's death, her husband gave Old Original Bookbinder's to the Federation of Jewish Charities. It later was sold to John M. Taxin, a produce merchant, who in 1949 renamed it Old Original Bookbinder's to differentiate it from its cross-town rival."<P>Hope this epistle clarifies the subject.<P>Regards,<P>Peter J. tongue.gif" border="0

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Peter, Thanks for the explanation. I've heard some of it before, but your explanation makes sense. Fortunately, the one on 15th is the one we have been going to for many years. Sally and I get together with good friends who enjoy a good walk and good food and drink. This evening has always been one of the highlights of the Annual Meeting for us. We get together in the lobby of the hotel around 6:30 to 7:00, walk to Bookbinders to work up an appetite and then walk back to let the superb food settle. If you DFers get there on Wednesday, you are welcome to join us.<P>And don't forget the DFer lunch at St. George's on Friday. grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0

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This closing will save some of a great deal of embarrassment and confusion. For years one member of our Wednesday night Bookbinders dinner group, of which the good Father Ron is a member of long standing, would call and make reservations for 16, or thereabouts. When we arrived there would be no reservation.<P>Then the inevitible question, "At which Bookbinders did you make the reservation?"<BR>It always turned out to be, "the other one". You would think this would be a one time happening, wouldn't you? rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>Nope, happened almost every year. rolleyes.gif" border="0<P>There is a silver lining to this closing after all. NO MORE SCREWUPS! ~ hvs

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Ron, you are welcome.<P>Howard, I have never attended the DF dinner get together, however, fully understand how reservations would get messed up. (That's quite a hike to 2nd & Walnut.)<P>Remember, the phone book will still list the 2 places, at least for this year. <P>Personally, I would not be surprised if the "Original" will be re-opened under new ownership. Sort of like the professional sports figures who retire, then, return, retire, return,...<P>Any hoot, just remember the 15th Street location.<P>Regards,<P>Peter J. wink.gif" border="0

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Guest BruceW

After rereading the posts and giving it some thought (I was sure to turn off the smoke detector in the ohuse first), I think that the Bookbinders that closed is the one that we used to go to. I can't remember Walnut Street, but it does have a familiar sound for some reason.<P>More convincing is the distance. Being that the Bookbinders remaining open is on 15th street, it is within walking distance from the hotel at Race and 17th. <P>We took a cab to the Bookbinders that we went to.. and I remember going around the Penn Square (if thats what it is called) where the City Hall is and Lord and Taylor store is. It was a several minute ride. Thus I an concluding theat we used to go to the one that has now closed. frown.gif" border="0 <P>Guess we will have ot try the other Bookbinders or soemplace else for dinner on Thursday as I am no longer the Regional President (boy I miss the President's Dinner - they are fun).<P>Di and I will see you all in Philly!

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Gee, the last time I made it to Bookbinders was when the Annual Meeting was at the old hotel! I should be there Wednesday for a couple of meetings and by golly will be looking for some place nice to go for dinner that evening. See you in the lobby!<BR>Terry

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I have always gone to the one on 2nd & Walnut in the Old City down by the river. It is not a easy walk, a good cab ride. I drove it last year. It is on a one way street and a parking lot is just before it and the restaurant is on the corner. I never had a problem with the phones, I always got the number out of the ads in the tourist magazines in the room. The owner Sandy Taxin would come by and ask how everything was and flip her business car on the table. (A free drink would be better.) I can tell you that they always had very large desserts. When you walked in the coat check was on the left and you were in a room that never seemed to be used, probably a party room. You then went to the right throught the bar/pub area to the main room and cashier was on the right in a booth and the maitre d' was on the left. A stair way near him lead to some party rooms and the mens room. Once in the main room, a large seafood area was on the right and against the outside wall. Food was at a big city price, but was very fresh and came in big portions. confused.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: SalG ]

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Guest BruceW

ok...ok...ok<P>Now I am REALLY confused.......<P>Unless there was 2 entrances... and Sal is talking oneopposite one of the one we went through. If coming from (what I thought was the back of the room) the seafood counter WAS on the right against an outside wall window as Sal describes.<P>But the entrance we went in was on the same wall the saefood counter was facing.<P>I remember walking in a door.. into a small foyer and you could only go to the right. There was a wall directly ahead of the door.. on the other side of which was the cash register. You walked directly into the dining room (a place to hang coats on the right wall). Walking through the door put you right into the dining room.. no walks down any hallways or such. Facing the room (with the entrance behind you) the cash register and counter was on your immediate left..and the seafood counter was farther left against the wall and windows facing the street.<P>There was no parking lot on the street entrance that we entered at. In fact we had to walk down to the corner to hail a cab at the intersection of 2nd aand Walnut.<P>Perhaps Sal and I are talking about two different entrances to the same place?<BR>Did we enter directly from the street into the main room?

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Bruce ~ Go to the only remaining Bookbinders in Philadelphia. The one on 15th Street. That is the one you just described.<P>Sal's description of the one on 2nd. Street is very accurate.<P>Now, for those of you who find all of this too confusing to sort out, go to the Sansome Street Oyster House near the 15th Street Bookbinders. rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>They have seafood there too. cool.gif" border="0 <P>hvs

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Where should I take my wife to eat? She always saw Bookbinder's as her reward for coming to Philly with me. She has always been pro hobby/clubs, but the nature of the national meeting (2-3 days non stop) is overload for her. confused.gif" border="0

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I always order a cheese steak the first visit to St. George's. I eat normal food on the other visit(s). cool.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: SalG ]

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