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Recommended oil for knee action shocks?


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Concerning the oil for knee action shocks, I have seen discussion on using hydraulic jack oil which is not a very heavy oil. I've also recently heard of using an oil product called Morey's Oil Stabilizer, which is as thick as honey. Does anyone have any recommendations or good/bad experiences with oils in their shocks?

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Those shocks were designed to use an oil of the viscosity of hydraulic jack oil. Anything else is contrary to the design and besides a lousy ride would probably destroy the shock in time. <P>Thicker is not better. A properly maintained or rebuilt shock using the correct oil is. smile.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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If your shocks are shot, heavier oil is not a good solution. Repair or replace them and use the proper oil. Yes, I do understand the problem of budget constraints (been there, done that) but since the question is what is proper, the answer ignores make-do options - use the correct fluid and enjoy the ride.

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