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Antique Automobile - November/December Issue


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Nothing here, yet, either. frown.gif" border="0<P>Maybe it was supposed to be delivered by dog sled, and Novaman has all our snow! The City of Rochester had to import snow from Buffalo, via a truck convoy, for the winter fest shindig. They hauled about two thousand yards to build a ski slope on a city street. Don't know if it'll last the weekend -- it's been in the forties the past 72 hours. confused.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0<P>Maybe tomorrow . . .

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Guest 57 pontiac

Can't believe that I'm the first to get mine. It came Friday 1-11-02 No snow on the ground in Burlington Vt. (Mountains have it )

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It arrived here 1-11 - I think. There's no ink on any of the pages because our mail is being irradiated by the USPS. Talk about closing the barn door after . . . Poly bag smells nice though. wink.gif" border="0

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One DFer tells us there was no Annual Meeting registration form in his mailer bag.<BR> frown.gif" border="0<P>Ted now advises that there is no ink on the pages of his magazine. shocked.gif" border="0<P>Mr Spock, do we have a problem? rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>hvs

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No snow here! Yes we did have it, most things closed but I still was at work everyday! grin.gif" border="0 Not even late the second day when I got stuck in traffic waiting becuase someone(s) wrecked on a bridge I needed turn onto to cross.(at a T-intersection) Passed the line of traffic, when on up the back roads and continued on about a 3mi detuor. <P>Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, no AA Mag here yet. frown.gif" border="0

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The Nov/Dec issue of Antique Automobile finally arrived here today!.. <BR>plus it had the registration form for the Annual Meeting...<BR>plus it had all of its ink!<P>3 out of 3 isnt bad.

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While it's probably not necessary that all umpteen thousand subscribers report in, I will chime in to say that AA reached the boondocks in the northeast Georgia mountains on 1/14. Charlie next door got his today too, but the neighbor half a mile down the road got his copy on 1/11.<P>Go figure.

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Swede ~ I guess this is all my fault. shocked.gif" border="0 I didn't understand all of the rules. confused.gif" border="0 <P>I never finished reading the Sept-Oct issue, and never dreamed that the next issue could not be sent out until I did. rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>I will immediately go and finish reading the Nov-Dec issue and then go stand by the mailbox. wink.gif" border="0 Thanks for enlightening me. <P>Does all of this depend on MY reading the magazine cover to cover, or are there others involved? confused.gif" border="0 <BR>~ hvs<P>I must have too much time on my hands to have written this. smile.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: hvs ]

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Rec'd. my Nov/Dec magazine yesterday and I want to mention just two things.First and most important is the great cover.It seems each year around this time there is a great winter depiction,just wonderful!Secondly,the inside front cover.How clever of our predesecesors to remove an acetylene headlamp off car and use it for a stove on which they placed a coffee pot....good stuff,thanks for that phioto. regards,Mike

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Just received the Nov Dec Issue in California Wed. 1-16. Take a look inside the front cover. There is a 1909 or 1910 Chalmers Detroit, but what is cool is, the gay took off the left headlite ,laid it on some rags , opened the door, and using a long hose, has fired up the light and is heating the coffee for the picnic!!!!! Notice also how well dressed everyone was at that time, Vests and Ties no less for a picnic. Is that a great picture or what.

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