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NAOC Nats in Lansing

D Yaros

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Yes, can't wait; will be heading in from North Canton, Ohio in my black '62 Olds Starfire Coupe. Will be the beginning of a great month, right after Fourth Of July weekend, will leave Tuesday morning 7/6 and plan on arriving sometime that afternoon in Lansing.

I am sure that Judy and Doug Badgley, as well as everyone else helping out with putting on the show, will have everything in place for everyone to have a great time; looking forward to the '50s-themed welcome party, and the Friday night old car cruise.

Always great to be back in Lansing with the old Oldsmobiles!

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Mailed my registration this morning. The Starfire and I will be leaving from PA on July 1st. Heading to Chicago first. Then leaving for Lansing on Tuesday.

I believe there will be quite a few '62 Starfires in Lansing. Kevin Korff's is registered. And I'm assuming Kalkas will be there.


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Will be great seeing Kevin and his dad with that Chariot Red '62 Starfire Coupe (and its PERFECT headliner!), and would like to see the Kalka's (Norb, Flo, and Dave) there with their Wedgewood Mist Coupe.

I know that Dave and his folks usually make the Lansing Homecoming (this year's is on 6/19; I plan on going, but keeping the Starfire home until the NAOC meet); there are usually a half-dozen '62 Starfires alone at the Homecoming show, and as Lansing is "thee place" for all of us Olds folks, I would expect a large turnout for the NAOC Meet this year.

Don't look now, but we're only about a month away as I write this (6/3).

Hope to see everyone there,


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Yes, can't wait; will be heading in from North Canton, Ohio in my black '62 Olds Starfire Coupe.

Always great to be back in Lansing with the old Oldsmobiles!

I shall be looking for you, and everyone else. My ride will be a 62 Dynamic 88 convertible.

As for Lansing, the last time I was there, as I was turning the corner to the show grounds a spectator on the corner remarked, "There is another one that has come home!

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Dave, what color is your Dynamic 88 convertible? Seem to think it's Wedgewood Mist, but I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet this morning.

I also have a '62 Dynamic 88 Fiesta 2-seat wagon, Provincial White with a Fawn interior; just received the engine rebuild kit and am having it rebuilt as we speak. Drove it to Lansing a couple of summers ago for the Homecoming Show on Father's Day weekend (Saturday, as always--this year's show is on the 19th). Was quite a sight to see my white whale chugging down the Ohio Turnpike with my buddy Tom's '58 Super 88 Fiesta Wagon (white with a Mountain Haze roof), and other friend Dave's '91 Custom Cruiser wagon. Just had to have the wagon make its return "back home", as you alluded to.

At the 100th Anniversary Meet in 1997, back in the good old days when Oldsmobile was indeed alive and kicking, the pledge was to have an OCA meet every five years in Lansing; they (in conjunction with the NAOC) did have the 105th there in 2002, which was also a memorable one. Understandably, with Oldsmobile's demise, along with what has to be a monumental undertaking by the fine Olds folks in the Lansing area, that didn't turn out to be the case.

However, in a way, this NAOC Meet that the Badgleys, et.al., are organizing, along with the annual Homecoming show, more than a little bit serves its purpose, in bringing the fans of our beloved marque back to the hometown. Every time I come back to Lansing with my old Oldsmobiles, or even if I'm just tagging along as a co-pilot, it is always great to see the other Rockets driving down the road, and the people who live there have always given us the courtesy and respect that is always appreciated.

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My D88 is ebony (black). It will not be hard to spot, as it has a WI license plate that reads "Saved 62".

We were at the 100 yr. fest in '97 too. We went even though at the time we did not own an Olds. How is that for loyalty? It was a great time. The expenditure of bucks by the Oldsmobile Division on that soiree was obvious. I even got to meet/talk with Helen Early!

I felt at the time it would be a "once in a lifetime" event. What I did not realize was that it would be a once in a lifetime event both for us, and for Oldsmobile!

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All right! Then like me, you must know that black is the worst color to take care of, but nothing looks better once it's done up right! When you mentioned the license plate, I remember seeing it on Paul's '62 Olds website, and thus had my "V-8" moment where I konk myself in the forehead and said "Of course, NOW I remember!"

Love all the '62 Olds lines--and I mean more than the models; I actually think the designers that year who did the sculpting really hit the nail on the head with the handsome face and more squared-off back ends from the '61s, which I also like quite a bit.

Was trying to tell from the pictures on Paul's site--what trim (color) of interior do you have?

Also curious like you are about who has signed up and is attending the show in Lansing in July, and of course, what you're bringing!

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I believe the trim code is 327? At any rate it is the gray interior.

As for 60's era Olds design, I have always liked the 1960 (which I did own as a kid), especially after it had been shaved. 61's did not particularly rock my boat. 62's I have to agree represent the high water mark. I will admit to also liking the simplicity of the lines on the 63's.

I guess I am "stuck in the 60's?" When I look back on it, I, or someone in my immediate family owned the following model years: 1960, 1961, 1962 and 1963.

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I was hoping to attend. All my brass car friends will be there with the big Oldsmobiles and I want to be there. I would have like to bring my CDO there as well as it is a fresh restoration but I am overtrun with meets and a horrendous schedule and it looks like a no go.

Judy has done a terrific job with thisw event and you guys are in for a big treat if you like early cars. I am envious.:(

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Steve, we'll keep the light on for you, as they say. Either way, we understand, and will be sure to take a lot of great pictures.

Since you mentioned the CDO, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter and Debbie Stephens (she is the great-grandaughter of R.E. Olds himself!) last month up in Geneva, Ohio (R.E.'s birthplace) at their Community Day Celebration. They brought up their 1903 Curved Dash, and it was a real treat to see the car, as well as meeting them--some great folks for sure.

Anyways, I did ask them if they had ever been to Fall Hershey, and because of their schedule (and things like raising a family, etc.), they had not had the pleasure of visiting Hershey in October to date. However, I think my enthusiasm in describing the event (if that is a large and adequate enough word), and as a somewhat seasoned "veteran" of eight shows so far (five with my '62 Starfire in attendance on the Show Field), I'm pretty certain that I may have managed to "persuade" them--for sure, the "will" is definitely there, now just for them to find the "way"--which, I am sure they will!

Also, if I don't get to see you in Lansing, I warn you in advance that this is the year I introduce myself to you and shake your hand; I see you quite often during the week in Hershey, just hate to interrupt you as I know you're tremendously busy making the rounds.

And, though I know you're an old car guy in general, and even-handed about everything, I still like knowing there's an "Olds guy" at heart running the show, so to speak!

Thanks again,


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Guest 1969dan

I'll be there with my brother, camera in hand. D Yaros, will you be taking the ferry from Milwaukee to Muskegon Mi.? Shortens the trip and you get to bypass the Chicago traffic. It's about 110 miles from Muskegon to Lansing, right down I96.

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D Yaros, will you be taking the ferry from Milwaukee to Muskegon Mi.?

I am well aware of the ferry. In fact took the other one, from Luddington, MI to Manitowoc, WI, last year. Not this year. The cost of doing so is not cheap.

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