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Fixing Login Problem


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Some of you have experienced the problem where your username and password is not being remembered.

Recently there was a security update applied, and this is causing the problem.

To fix this you need to clear out the OLD cookies from your PC - browser.

See this link on how to do this:


After the cookies have been cleared you will need to login.

do not forget to check the Remember me box just under the login username/password input boxes when you login in.

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It might be helpful if you can list the names of any and all cookies which the site places in our "cookie bin." I've tried rermoving ONLY the ones I thought were appropriate...to no avail. Maybe, if there are some others I haven't recognized yet, I could try removing those before doing a complete delete.

To ask me to completely delete ALL of the several hundred cookies which I've permitted and stored to make regularly accessing those sites a breeze (yes, I manage my cookie list!), and then needing to reenter personal info on all of those sites, just in order to satisfy THIS sites security issues seems...um, preposterous to me.

Edited by Phil 32DL6 (see edit history)
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It might be helpful if you can list the names of any and all cookies which the site places in our "cookie bin."

Hey Phil,

Here is what MY "Cookie Jar" looks like after I start "Firefox", clear ALL cookies, go to the AACA page and login to the forum, then look at the list of cookies set by the AACA after I asked it to "remember" my login.

Good luck! :cool:





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Here is what MY "Cookie Jar" looks like after I start "Firefox", clear ALL cookies, go to the AACA page and login to the forum, then look at the list of cookies set by the AACA after I asked it to "remember" my login.

Good luck! :cool:


EXCELLENT, Stu! That's exactly what I needed.

I had deleted the most obvious folder named "aaca.org" with its batch of cookie files nested inside, but had overlooked the second folder you listed: "forums.aaca.org" with its separate package of cookies.

Once I deleted both of those, quit Firefox (my browser), re-started Firefox, accessed the Forum, signed in and checked "Remember me," quit Firefox again, re-started and opened the Forum, I found I was golden! Problem gone!

The critical point to this exercise is that you don't have to delete ALL of your cookies...just ALL the one's which the AACA site cooks up for you.

Doing that will keep all of the cookies for other sites that make logging into those a breeze. Deleting ALL cookies was bad advice.

(BTW...this procedure should work the same in ALL browsers.)

Many thanks, Stu!

Edited by Phil 32DL6 (see edit history)
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