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Chuckle of the day!


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I just had the chuckle of the day at my local gas mart. I shall leave the name out to protect the innocent. My angel Wife requested that I go fill up our 93 Suburban in prep for a weekend dance meet my Daughter is attending. Our Suburban was the deluxe model with the always handy 42 gallon fuel tank. As the pump moved happily along doing it's job I watched as the young lad was preparing the road sign for a price change. In my never ending wisdom I guessed up naturally. The Current price of $3.09 being a warm up for the summer specials like always.

My credit card company watching out for my security always shuts me down at the gas pump at $75.00. This leaves my Suburban longing for more. My first portion of the procedure at the $3.09 went well. Suddenly the second pass of my preferred member card and plastic payment card suddenly revealed a price of $2.98 per. Surely this was a mistake and I was now getting away with a bargain. I finished the second half of the filling and proceeded to stand on the apron of the station and watch the young lad now remove the three from the road sign and install a two. The fuel had in fact dropped eleven cents mid tank.

I proceeded home now mad as a hornet feeling violated. After all this just was not fair.

Not being a giving up easy kind of guy I proceeded back to the station with my work car vehicle number 2 in quest of fuel and maybe some closure in this folly.

My always faithful charge card company now really concerned about me was not allowing me to pay at the pump a second time, so soon, as I must be a thief filling up every car in the station.

After I proceeded inside the fuel spot to ask the young lad about the card not scanning I also asked how to request a rebate of the $2.66 cents I had been violated for just moments before with vehicle number 1.

He basically in a polite voice told me tough luck Charlie. Since my name is not Charlie I politely said I would just e-mail the "head office" and tell them how disappointed I felt being a preferred card guy and all.

I returned to car number two now with the inside override of the pump and filled it as well.

By the time I returned to pay for tank two with plastic funds the young lad had in fact talked to the very nice manager type lady who asked if I happened to have my two receipts from tank load number one. I politely said why sure and handed them over. She said well we really don't have to do this this but!

She then had the young lad surrender my $2.66 cents over is CASH that I had earlier been violated for.

I thanked them both and laughed saying you know I would have e-mailed HQ just for the entertainment value.

The nice manager type lady laughed and said I believe you would have.

I handed the young lad the two dollars and told him to buy a pop on me.

I certainly have not had that much entertainment buying fuel in a long,long time.

Crazy in Chicago. Not too close.

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I'm sure the young lad was appreciative of your donation.;)


A couple of years ago I stopped on my way to an early morning babysitting job to get a cup of coffee and a danish for breakfast. A nicely dressed young guy, probably nineteen or twenty, was $1.19 short of what he needed to pay for the fuel he had pumped into his car. They did not take the type debit card he had. He honestly didn't know what to do. So I gave them the $1.19 and I got the greatest smile, thank you and then he hugged me. He promised me that someday he would do the same for someone else. :)

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Susan, a few years ago, I pulled up to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Annapolis Md and noticed the car in front of me was taking a long time getting her change together for the toll. She was leaning over the floor in the front of the car, then over the back seat. Me, behind her, getting the usual steam treatment, jumped out of the truck and gave the lady attendant whatever the driver was short. The attendant thanked me profusely.:)


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Susan, a few years ago, I pulled up to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Annapolis Md and noticed the car in front of me was taking a long time getting her change together for the toll. She was leaning over the floor in the front of the car, then over the back seat. Me, behind her, getting the usual steam treatment, jumped out of the truck and gave the lady attendant whatever the driver was short. The attendant thanked me profusely.:)


Good thing she wasn't in an RV, she would have been searching under the couch cushions too! :eek: :D

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The Suburban is close. Maybe I'll hang on a few more years for the HPOF.

Great! Hang on to it. The HPOF class is growing leaps and bounds in popularity.



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