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automobile quarterly complete set price

Guest rush1953

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Guest rush1953

My 90 year old father has the complete set of automobile quarterly since its inception. All issues are in perfect condition. Each quarter he lovingly looked at the issue without bending spines, etc. He is considering selling it. Might someone be able to tell me what the whole set might be worth? Would it be more financially beneficial to sell the set complete, or sell issues individually? Any advice is appreciated--I am his daughter and don't speak cars--except I owned a Alfa Romeo GTV 2000, body by Bertone, and it was considered a near classic in 1981. She drove beautifully but she was cranky about starting in inclement weather. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my query. From what I understand, Automobile Quarterly is a premier auto enthusiast and historical publication.

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On eBay, they sell for about $2.50 to $12 each when listed individually, depending on the contents. A particular article will attract bidding. A set of volumes 12-24 (52 books total) recently sold on eBay for $134. I found a set of volumes 1-45 for $500 searching Google just now. I've also seen full sets listed for as much as $3500, but I doubt they sold. The tricky part is shipping; they are quite heavy. Good luck with your sale.


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Guest Gary Hearn
When you ship, be sure to specify "book rate". It is far less than regular postage

For those not familiar with this mail class, it can not be used to ship any magazines or periodicals that contain advertising.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Cider
My 90 year old father has the complete set of automobile quarterly since its inception. All issues are in perfect condition. Each quarter he lovingly looked at the issue without bending spines, etc. He is considering selling it. Might someone be able to tell me what the whole set might be worth? Would it be more financially beneficial to sell the set complete, or sell issues individually? Any advice is appreciated--I am his daughter and don't speak cars--except I owned a Alfa Romeo GTV 2000, body by Bertone, and it was considered a near classic in 1981. She drove beautifully but she was cranky about starting in inclement weather. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my query. From what I understand, Automobile Quarterly is a premier auto enthusiast and historical publication.


I could be interested in buying your collection of AQ. Is it complete from 1962 to 2009? Where are you located? As described in other responses, shipping is a bt of a challenge. If you want to e-mail me privately, please use tom-egil (at) seljaas.com



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