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What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hi gang, Just another of my post asking how people celebrate holidays around the USA. We are going to be in East Hampton, NY at my father-in-laws. Having the turkey, cranbury, yams, etc. tongue.gif" border="0

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We will be close to home for Thanksgiving. Di and I and the girls will first stop at my mom and dad's who are about 15 miles north of us. Then a few hours after surely getting stuffed on mom's homemade Thanksgiving dinner, we will be going to Di's mom's house which is about 12 miles further north in the county where we will be expected to eat more!. Planning on driving our 1931 Ford Deluxe Tudor on our rounds. Hope those 70 year springs can handle all the extra weight on the way home! wink.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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My sister and brother-in-law will be coming up from GA. I think we're having ham and ????. Due to my brother-in-law having been a chef. We started having the ham on T-day and turkey on Christmas. Working in the kitchen he'd get tried of what ever the main dish was for the holiday.<P>I haven't been informed that I cooking so I'm wondering if I'll survive. shocked.gif" border="0 Unfortunately, my mom is capable of burning water. shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0

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novaman~~You joke of burning water. If you have ever been winter camping and had to melt snow for water you will know that you really can burn water. At least it will taste burnt when you get done if you do it wrong. Been there. Done that.<P>Tod Fitch<BR>Senior Patroller<BR>So. Calif. Nordic Ski Patrol<BR>Pinecrest Nordic Ski Patrol<P>Oops. Now you guys know what I do when I park the car during winter time.....

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Lucky me, my daughter-in-law is having us over for Thanksgiving turkey. I only have to bring the sweet potato dish and the wine. They only live a mile away, so if we eat too much we can always walk home.<P>The meal will be preceeded by the Packer-Lions game (which may give us indigestion, depending on which Packers team shows up that day). Watching the Packers on Thanksgiving is a tradition my husband has been reminiscing about, and he's glad to see the tradition revived this year.<P>In my daughter-in-law's family, Friday is "clean up and a movie" day for the women. That way, they get to enjoy most of Thursday, and turn the tedium of chores into a social day the next day. I've gone to one of these follow up days, and it's been a lot of fun. I've suggested to my sisters and mother that we try this at Christmastime, when we all get together.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

It's not only Thanksgiving for us, but my Mom's birthday and their 50th wedding anniversary. My sister and I offered to put on a big reception for them, but they said they'd rather have the whole family together in the mountains for the weekend. So we are all driving to east Tennessee (God's country, as I call it. Man, is it beautiful up there!)

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I am havinng the family over for the main courses on Thanksgiving. I will fry the Turkey as always along with making the stuffing and Green Beans.<BR>Oher family members will be bringing the rest of the Fixins.<BR>About 4:00 or so the men and boys and whatever girls want to come will go to the 46th Annual Autorama in Huston. We will get our share of looking at old cars and Hot Rods that way.<BR>Then we come back and have seconds. <BR>We will have 2 other sets of kids staying with us on Friday, so the women can shop.<BR>By Sunday, I will be worn out.<BR>Have a good one....

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Thanks for the Suggestion, Ted. But, as always, I'm a day late and a dollar short: <A HREF="http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011119-5.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011119-5.html</A> <P>Looks like I'm going to have to find my own secure and undisclosed location.<P>Tom, The Soon To Be Stuffed<P><A HREF="http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011119-5.html" TARGET=_blank>Turkey pardon</A>

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Hopping in the buggy and motoring 2 miles to the inlaws and outlaws {as my pal Lester Cutting put it} which my 2 1/2 year old daughter is very excited about, fortunately I'm bringing the port and sherry. Happy holidays to all, Carleton grin.gif" border="0

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Ply33, I’ve been there. My location may read NC but I was born and raised in UPSTATE NY. (Sorry SalG, still having that upstate verses NYC problem). I’ve spent enough time in the snow on camping trips. One time I got so sick I thought I was gonna die. One the way back I had some sleeping bags over me and still couldn’t get warm in the van. As it turned out I had the flu BIG time and it struck while I was gone on the weekend trip. <P>I moved south so I didn’t have to shovel the white *hit. grin.gif" border="0<P>I'm serious about my mom burning water. Her mom was the same way. Although my grandmother's food was charcoaled more often than my mom's.<p>[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: novaman ]

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24T -<BR>Call 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue immediately! You may be eligible for one of those Thanksgiving Presidential pardons. Of course, you'll have to live out the rest of your life at the federal turkey farm (turkey witness protection program). rolleyes.gif" border="0

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hvs -<BR>You got that one right (nice opinion!). Folks out there in this great country elect them and send them to Washington, DC where we have to put up with their foolishness first hand.<BR> wink.gif" border="0

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24T-<P>I don't think you want this job anyway...<BR><A HREF="http://www.bobandtom.com/gen3/pres_turkey.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.bobandtom.com/gen3/pres_turkey.htm</A><P>...and no, this photo was NOT doctored in any way!! grin.gif" border="0 <P>Oh, back to the topic, I'm staying home with the wife and 2 kids and trying my hand at deep-frying a turkey this year. Then the wife is going to the big sales on Friday morning and buying me a laptop so on Friday, I can talk on the UBB while I lay in the hospital nursing my 3rd degree burns!! rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Novaman, I like and understand the people from upstate NY, I have the advantage over the typical down state person, I have upstate friend and co-workers.

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onebadass -<BR>I saw the original incident, but this photograph gives a whole new meaning to the term "pecker". Maybe the national pardoned turkey is a "pecker - pecker"? Or possibly a "presipecker"? Or maybe a "feathered intern"?<BR>In the actual incident the "pecked one" jumped about two feet with a lot of laughter in the background. rolleyes.gif" border="0<P>Isn't this country great? God bless and have a happy Thanksgiving everyone! grin.gif" border="0

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