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Firewall Data Plate Info in 1930s.


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I suppose I ask questions on this forum that everyone else already knows the answer to or at least thinks I should. I don't, so here's another.

What do the letters and numbers stand for on the firewall data plate. Mine, on my 1937 vehicles, is on the middle lower left side. It is about 1 1/2 by 4" or so, screws into the firewall, and has two lines of information. For example, my Coupe Express has J5 36 and 2133, and my sedan has 37AQ-1 and 7460. Any help out there? Lastly, is there a readily available source that has that info. I can't find it on the net. Thanks Studebaker friends.

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J5 identifies the coupe express as a 1937 model. Are you sure it is 36? This should be a letter/number combination identifying the body style. It is the 2133rd 1937 coupe express body. 37A indicates a 1937 Dictator. Q1 is the model designation for a coupe and the 7460th body.


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Thanks for the update, Terry. It is definitely a 1937 Coupe Express, titled, but the data plate says, on the top line, J5, a space, and the number 36. I had sort of guessed that the bottom number was the order number for when it was made, but the 36 is the one that has me confused. Anyone else out there with a hint? Also, the data plate on the front left frame says J5 1947, so why the difference in this number (1947) and the firewall one (2133)? I am sure that these are the original data plates for this vehicle- no substitutes or whatever! Thanks.

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I have no idea what the 36 means. :confused: As already stated, there should be a letter/number combination there, as in the Q1 on your other Stude. The letter identifies the body style, the number identifies the trim level. As for the difference in the chassis and body numbers, that is normal. Studebaker never did the matching numbers thing. We get asked that question a lot!:D


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I got an email from RTQ today. He also said it should be C6. I just went out to the shop and brought it in. It sure could have been a "C" at one time, but in being distorted (the previous owner bent it around installing an after-market heater right in that area at some time) it sure looked like a "3". I will take a picture of it for anyone interested. At least I now know that I need to restore it as a "C" rather than a "3". Thanks all.

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Guest Swifster

The 2133 number is the sequential build at the body plant, not necessarilly the sequential built on the assembly line. No one worried about grabbing a certain body in a certain order. Shell/cab number 2135 could have gone done the assembly line first. The serial number on the hinge pillar (could be some place else) could would be the true sequential built going done the line.

Also, the Studebaker National Museum has most of the build sheets for many cars/trucks. I think they are $40. This should have all of the build info including the date of the build.

Edited by Swifster (see edit history)
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