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Your Region's web site!

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At Philly, Peter announced that Front Page is no longer being supported by Microsoft. He also suggested that we look at getting and using different software to manage your region web site. It has been 5 months now. I was wondering what everyone decided to do and what software they went with?

I went with Joomla and so far have only managed to convert half of the Brass-Nickel web site and am currently working on redoing the AACA75th. I have been struggling but am slowly making progress. I think if I ever figure Joomla out, it will be great to work with. But it is soooo different from Front Page.

Note: Brass-Nickel has a new web address. It is Brass-Nickel web site

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You might want to touch base with Peter. He has set me up two Joomla accounts. I am in the process of converting both the Brass-Nickel and the AACA75th. The Junior site will have to wait awhile.


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I have not been here for a while so forgive me for asking what might be a dumb question.

Do we all have to change to the same thing or will the web site support either Expressions or Word Press. I have had good luck with word press for a couple of other web sites I take care of?


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