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I Need Opinions Please


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I have a dilemma and would like to know how to proceed.

I ordered a new Harrtz Cloth Sta-Fast convertible top for my wife's 90 Reatta Convertible in January (I won't reveal the name of the company or person). I paid with Pay Pal in January and have not received the top yet. Here are the facts:

1. I was told it would take 6-8 weeks for the company to make the top but it would be on the lower side (6 weeks) for the top to be delivered to my house.

2. After 8 weeks, I called the gentleman to see how the top is coming; I was told another couple of weeks

3. After 10 weeks, I called again and was told that my top and another top were delayed and it would come to my house in two weeks

4. After 12 weeks, I called again and was told another week

5. After 13 weeks, I called again was told at the end of April (one more week)

6. After 14 weeks, I called again and he apologized about the delay; he told me that he would give me a discount up to $200 if I ordered something from him....another week

7. After 15 weeks, I called again and he apologized profusely about the delays and that he has been in contact with the company.

8. After 16 weeks, I had my wife call and the gentleman told my wife the same thing about the mishap. He again was very nice and told my wife that he would send a cashiers check for the whole amount and the top would be free.

9. So after another 2.5 weeks, no top and no cashiers check!

I called yesterday and left a message and have not received a phone call back. I would like to talk to the manufacture who is making he top but I realize that I am dealing with a middleman. The one thing that I noticed is that he has never called me once. He has been very nice and I appreciate his time and understand that he is relying on the company to make the top.

This is very frustrating because I ordered the top as a 10 year anniversary present (yes, I also got something else for her too) and it took several months to save up for the top. Worse yet, the original top shrunk so much that it won't snap in the back when up, therefore, we can't drive it much because of the possible chance of rain.

Again, the gentleman that I am dealing with has been very nice.

I am seeking advice on what to do...anyone please?

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I would try to contact the man again by all means possible, phone, email and certified mail if you have his address. Tell him you are going to notify PayPal that you have been scammed if he does not reply in a timely manner.

If he does NOT respond in a few days, contact PayPal and explain the situation to them and tell them you want to dispute the payment they sent to him. I think they will follow up on your complaint and probably reimburse your money.

If he does respond, give him a week to either refund your money or send you the top and then go to PayPal.

It is good that he is being nice but nice just goes so far in business dealings. He should have sent you a top or your money a long time ago. I would demand that he send the top or your money now. If you don't get one or the other, take the issue up with PayPal and ask for them to take the money from his account. If you have saved any emails they will want to see them.

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Guest CL_Reatta

also, if this guy does end up being a scam let us know so others dont go thru what you have.

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Guest crazytrain2

As Ronnie said above I would at least file some type of a claim through Paypal, if memory serves time is of the essence as your ability to file a claim will lapse after a certain amount of time has passed.

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Guest steveskyhawk

I bought a top from the same guy without a problem. There are two sides to every story. This forum is not the place for this. Moderators?

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I also purchased a Haartz top from the same guy for my '91 and although it took longer than expected, it was eventually delivered and looks great. The explaination was a slowdown at the plant in S.C. I also dealt with him via PayPal. Since our weather here in N.C. was miserable during my wait, and since i'd used PayPal, I wasn't too upset. And I was replacing my 17 year old vinyl top finally. Be of good cheer. I expect it will come trhough without too much delay. But I would call him and inquire again.

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Guest CL_Reatta

how is this not the place for this...you would be pretty upset also if this was happening to you

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BTW the old top can stretch back uf parked outside on a sunny day. First back off on the top pin adjustment (screw out until it stays latched). Then after a few hours tighten a few turns. When the rubber seal just touches the tonneau, leave it.

It worked for me.

Now is there any real advantage to the Hartz material over the factory vinyl ?

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Guest MauiWowee

This is not the place for whiney complaints or unfounded negative comments. No names have been mentioned here yet, but if I was in the market for a top I would sure like to know who NOT to order from. This is just poor business and lousy communication. cool.gif

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Guest spyhunter2k

I think it is very appropriate to post this. Even if all turns out well, others should be aware that this potential for delay exists. The poster is not slamming the buyer--just presenting the facts of the situation as they have occurred. If I were in the market for a top, I would be grateful for this info.

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Guest Kitskaboodle

1) The original agreement was 6-8 weeks.

He should have called YOU after this time to offer you a refund or your permission to wait additional week(s). He doesnt seem to feel too guilty about not returning your money. I think you've waited long enough. I think as a "customer" you are letting him take advantage of your good nature. I'm NOT talking about him cheating you but rather him making YOU wait and wait and wait until his convertible top supplier can get their act together.

Just as a last comment.....lack of communication on the seller's part speaks volumes in my opinion....(no pun intended)


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