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Guest 1930

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Can someone tell me what broadcloth is exactely, Most if not all Das came with three options of interiors, Mohair, broadcloth, and leather, in the body section of parts book for the Victoria / Brougham section ( which they have grouped together ) it does not indicate a choice of specific material

but on the first page of this specific section is lists the availability of purchase of a new complete body and you could get both Victoria and Brougham upholstered in cloth trim, and they place cloth trim in parenthesis. What does this mean to you, does it still indiacte that mohair is a possability because mohair is considered a cloth or is mohair not considered or at one time not considered a cloth so that only leaves me with cloth meaning broadcloth. This would be a big help for me to get this figured out so that I can finally determine what was originally used in my car.

I believe strongly that my interior is original from the beltline up including the headliner and it is a cloth but I would not have guessed that the same type of material used on headliner would be used on the body sides.

As from what I have see though DA used the same exact material top and bottom sections of interior but cannot confirm that headliner is same material on any of my pictures.

Any input would be great, not only from Da owners but any old Dodge, I am sure they followed some sort of pattern back then on all their closed cars.

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Broadcloth is a close ribbed fabric. Here is a photo of some. If you need an example, I can cut some out and send a bit. Mohair is different. More like stiff velvet. John


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That would be great, have you seen this used as a headliner material, are there different grades of it, I am thinking that seat material would have to be thicker than side panel material or headliner material if it is used for headliners. It looks like what I have for my side panels but a piece would be better to hold and feel. Does it always have this same appearance? or can it have various patterns also?

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Good one, Dave. As far as I know, the broadcloth for the DA and DH are the same pattern. The headliner is more of a smooth non-lined material. Give my your address and I will send a piece of the seat material.

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Give me your paypall account agin so I can send you something for your trouble time posatge ect., Thanks again

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Guest Backyardmechanic

Hi Jason,

There a mill in Washington state that has material from way back sorry I forgot there name mayb some one on here knows,if you sent them a sample you will recive samples of what they have .


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Ah, I was right--that doesn't happen to often!! Yes, AFAIK is internet short for "As Far As I Know" sorry for the confusion (both! heh heh heh)

I believe the term "broadcloth" comes from the carriage days (yikes, I shouldn't make such a comment--I was right once, this is tempting the fates!)

Vern, this mill sounds most interesting! The only other sources I know for yardage are; Le Baron Bonney Co., Hampton Coach (did they merge?), and Bill Hirsch. There may be others though--but all "back east." A supplier out west here would be great!

David D.

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It would be a big help if someone knoew what place vern was talking about so hopefully someone will do that, Hey Joe I have looked into those two but I learned not to mention that it was a Dodge, they get confused and hard to help if you step outside the norm of Ford or Chebby. I will check out the site anyway, thanks

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Guest Backyardmechanic


I am trying to fine the samples this mill sent me of the 1959 edsel also samples of the 28 Standard "6" dB I have.When I fine them I'll sure post the adress here.


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Guest Backyardmechanic

Hey I found it,

After looking thu tons of files I found the info on the Mill that I posted a few ago.These guys are advertiseing 1940-1970 BUT I have samples of material for the 28 standard"6"

Visit there web site www.smsautofabrics.com

They said on the site that if thay don't have it they could make it if one sent a sample.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks Vern for the info, I will look into that, I receved your sample Keiser and thanks also, is more of what I though broadcloth might be, does not match the material above the beltline of my car though, that material above my beltline is the same as my headliner and is much softer and a different texture.

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Guest outlaw car man

Just redid my top insert, used the long grain sample from LB.

I matched it best I could with my original- looks great-

2.25 yards @ about $26.00 bucks a yard-

Worked for me-


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1930</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did they use mohair for headliners originally?</div></div>

No. It's a softer material that feels almost like flannel.

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Yes that is what is there.....softer material that feels almost like flannel.....it is the material that makes my headliner and it is the same material that goes down to the beltline in my car, have you seen this in original cars? What is the difference between this and mohair? I have to get some samples from lebarron Bonney or rather I have to get some more samples but first I am trying to learn the difference between the different types of original materials so that I can give it my best to find suitable replacements, most of their materials are synthetices ( man made ) and I would like to look around for the correct stuff even going into knowing that maybe it is just plain unavailable. I guess I need to find out the name for the material the Keiser describes...softer material that feels almost like flannel, anybody know, I guess I need to find a site set up for restorers that has a particular section that pertains solely for upholstery, any suggestions?

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