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Thrown into Restoration Business


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I think there are to ways to go. I know two restorers both very good both do it for about 50% of there income they have other jobs.

One charges $25 an hour and bills for every minute he even thinks about the car and gets no complaints.

One charges $50 and hour and bills for what it should take to get the job done (sometime less than time spent) and constantly has to justify his hours.

Both charge for all materials parts and out sourcing.

Both make about he same money. These rate may be low for your area as we are in a low income area with a median household income of under $35K. Both collect money as they go weekly so there is never a large bill and the customer can ask they to stop work for a while till there money builds up or they can hide it from the wife.

I think it also depends on what your restoring I know if may not be less work to restore a car worth $10K than a car

worth $1M but people don't want to pay as much.

Just a thought neither may work for you if its your only income.

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I have known Matt for a number of years and had the pleasure of visiting a T bird he was restoring recently. He is doing some fantastic work and still smiling so he must have it figured out. I think for anyone in the restoration business, word-of-mouth advertising can't be beat!


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