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Favorite tunes to listen to while cruising in the reatta

Guest CL_Reatta

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Guest CL_Reatta

Just wondering since there is a wide range of demographics on this forum, as to what some of your favorite song / songs are to listen to while in the Reatta.... I'm making some CD's and need some more tunes.

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Guest steveskyhawk

My favorite is Warren Zevon. You drive a unique yet common car, so why not listen to music that falls into the same catagory?

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<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-size: 17pt">Flight of the Valkyries!</span> </span>

I stand corrected Ride of the Valkyries. Memory is the first thing to go.

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Guest steakneggs

It must be nice to be able to listen to what you want. I was never able to do the aux wire hookup because I never got info that jived with my wire colors. Steak

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OK, since no one wants a copy of my collection of polka hits, I thought I would pass this along:

I was in the Buick office in 1991 when the group Sawyer Brown walked in. They had a song called "My Baby Drives a Buick".


Buick didn't have a dime into the song, and the song went nowhere. Just a little Buick song trivia.

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Guest CL_Reatta

hmmm, some good, and some um interesting choices... of which a few I added.... And I might just add the flight of the valkyries... you never know when when your in the mood for pretending to conduct an orchastra while driving.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CL_Reatta</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> And I might just add the flight of the valkyries... you never know when when your in the mood for pretending to conduct an orchastra while driving. </div></div>

Some tell this young one the significance of The Flight of the Valkries so history won't repeat itself! please!!

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Guest CL_Reatta

Ah yes... U2 and the Goo-Goo Dolls are a few of my favorites.... along with The Beatles, The Fray, and The Rolling stones... but I have all of their albums, so I dont need to add their songs on my mix CD... but im not really into 80's all that much... And yes please someone tell me the significance!

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Guest F14CRAZY

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EDBS0</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CL_Reatta</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> And I might just add the flight of the valkyries... you never know when when your in the mood for pretending to conduct an orchastra while driving. </div></div>

Some tell this young one the significance of The Flight of the Valkries so history won't repeat itself! please!! </div></div>

That song makes me think of the '60s North American XB-70 Valkyrie. Who wouldn't want a mach 3 high altitude heavy bomber?

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: F14CRAZY</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EDBS0</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CL_Reatta</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> And I might just add the flight of the valkyries... you never know when when your in the mood for pretending to conduct an orchastra while driving. </div></div>

Some tell this young one the significance of The Flight of the Valkries so history won't repeat itself! please!! </div></div>

That song makes me think of the '60s North American XB-70 Valkyrie. Who wouldn't want a mach 3 high altitude heavy bomber? </div></div>

Close but no cigar.

I will tell if I have to but it is best to come from another.

I stand corrected Ride of the Valkyries. Memory is the first thing to go.

Does that help?

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from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie

"The valkyries' purpose was to determine the victors of battles and wars, and to choose the most heroic of those who had died in battle. Freyja, called Mistress of the slain (Valfreyja) and of the Valkyries in general[1], chose half of these fallen heroes for her hall Fólkvangr.[2][3] The rest went to Valhalla where they became einherjar. This was necessary because Odin needed warriors to fight at his side at the preordained battle at the end of the world"

very appropiate for Apocalypse Now

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Guest Squire Tom

saw the last valkyrie live and in person at Wright Patt in Dayton years ago. it had 'Six Cylinders' too

there were only a two made and one got krinkled, never got into active duty.700 million 1960 dollars

mach 3 straight and level sitting duck for SAMs

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As I understand it's actual purpose beyond a test bed was to get the soviets to spend greater resouces to defend against what they thought would be 100's? of them.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ronnie</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sounds like your talking about music played by helicopters over Vietnam in a movie. </div></div>

And in real life. The Gooks (and I apologize for the term) poopoo (I wrote sh*t) their pants upon hearing the organ blasting over the noise of the choppers as they came in at tree top level.

Forget it and you will repeat it.

Interesting that you have to google it and don't know it by heart. It is your history.

What does that say about you?

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That doesn't say a damn thing about me. I didn't have to google it and I didn't have to watch a movie to know what you were talking about... I lived through it!

I was lucky enough that I didn't have to go to Vietnam. When a lot of my friends got their draft notice I got a 1-H card (Not eligible for service at the is time.) to replace my 1-A card. A lot of those friends of mine didn't come back from that war. I still carry that faded and worn card with me at all times to remind me what our country went through at that time in history. I was told I received the 1-H card because I was an only son. I don't know for sure and I didn't ask. It may have saved my life. I didn't refuse to go to that war. I just wasn't invited.

I lived through watching Walter Cronkite every day on the news give the body counts for both sides like it was some kind of game. I watched him tell about our army fighting to take a strategic position and our government decide to give it back the next day. I watched the daily film clips of the planes dropping the bombs, the soldiers walking through water in the rice patties, and of thousands of people protesting the war.

I remember going to the funerals of my friends and siting by their crying mothers and having them tell me how glad they were I didn't have to go to that war and how they wished their son would not have been made to go. I also remember my friends that returned from that war too. I remember seeing my friend Archy for the first time when he came home with one eye missing and wearing a patch over it, with fingers missing and a scar the size of your hand on his side where shrapnel had hit him when a "Gook", as you call them, had dropped a grenade into a garbage can outside the mess tent when soldiers were coming out. But worst of all were my friends who left as young happy men and came home cold, empty adults changed forever by what they had saw and went through.

Don't tell me "It is your history."! It was not just history, it was something I lived through and will never forget!!

The fact that you have the arrogance to say, "What does that say about you?", has a lot to say about you!

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Thanks Ronnie;

All together too many have forgotten or it was just a paragraph in a history text. Worse, only a movie.

Thanks to all who sacrificed so much, sometimes all.

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Guest CL_Reatta

hmmm, Well it is actually interesting to know that... I enjoy history and knowing as much as I can about it, so Thanks!.... but I also must say this as it is something I beleive is terrible... when you mention Gook, I do believe you are refering to people (as hawkey pierce would say), in fact at times children... forced by their government to kill other people, many of them not more than 16. Please rememebr that for every victim of war, our side or not there is a family, and a human life that is destroyed.

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Guest MauiWowee

As a Vietnam vet (there are more than a couple of us here), I am biting my tongue.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.........

Bob Dylan-From a Buick 6

The Medallions-'59 Buick

Robert Earl Keene,Jr-Daddy had a Buick

Alan Jackson-Buicks to the Moon

T Rex-Buick Makane


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Are we back to what we prefer for listening?

Most anything except the child in the tricked Civic with the bass ghetto blaster making a fool of himself while trying to attract attention.

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Guest steakneggs

I actually flew Hueys during my brief undistinguished military era. That movie was a big deal amongst my peeps. But the truth is, helicopters are useless in a modern combat situation against heat-seeking missiles. They're not even used in Iraq and probably will be sold for scrap. Steak

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Guest Squire Tom

distinct possibility given Reagan's Star Wars Initiative.

boy that was a huge airframe , would have scared me to see it in the rear view mirror

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Nemo, thanks for your clarification, it's appreciated.

If I offended anyone my apologies, it was not intended. I've worked on or was aircrew on hueys, hercs, caribou, and orions.

As far as music goes, here's a few

The Allman Brothers - Jessica

Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode

The beach boys - good vibrations

If you're looking for cd's by cool, confident guys to cruise by consider "Sinatra Reprize the very good years" and "Dino, the Essential Dean Martin"

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Guest CL_Reatta

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: crazytrain2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a Stones fan myself, yep good ole Fred, Wilma, Pebbles Barney & Betty with Bam Bam on drums. laugh.gif </div></div>

HAHAHA.... This is why I asked here... I get so many different and great choices to pick from

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