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Steve Braverman

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While on my way to the Franklin Trek last month in my 1932 Franklin, I got a flat tire. The cheapo scissor jack that I bought at the auto parts store could not lift the car. It actually started to bend. I sat on the side of the road with a sheriff waiting for my auto club to figure out where I was when a local stopped by and offered a hand. He went home and returned in a few minutes with a floor jack.

Two weeks ago, I noticed a pickup out in front of my house with a flat. I walked out front, and lo and behold, no jack or lug wrench. I changed his tire and he thanked me. I thought I was even.

Today, I'm going to get my mail and in front of my house is a stretch limo with a bunch of women standing around a shredded front tire. They had a jack, but no handle or lug wrench. Turns out that they were out for a bachelorette party (I live in Long Island's wine-producing region, tourists get a kick out of wineries). So, I dragged out the jack and lug wrench and changed their tire as well. Am I even yet?


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Dear Mr. Guccione,

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Today, I'm going to get my mail and in front of my house is a stretch limo with a bunch of women standing around a shredded front tire. They had a jack, but no handle or lug wrench. Turns out that they were out for a bachelorette party (I live in Long Island's wine-producing region, tourists get a kick out of wineries). So, I dragged out the jack and lug wrench and changed their tire as well. Am I even yet?</div></div>

At that point we all.....

Ooops, wrong forum! blush.gifgrin.gif

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