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Oldslady Liz's '55 98


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Guest oldslady liz

no comments... willing to take the good with the bad but all these lookers and no sayers... strange forum..

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Bob is right. We Oldsmobilers are a quiet bunch. The lack of traffic on here is almost disturbing. Those Buick folks are such a bunch of busy beavers - it almost wants to make a person "trade up."

Here's more pics of Liz's '55.

Maybe this'll get 'em talking...




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That is a very handsome car. Skirts would make it look tubby, as in unsporty and unattractive. BTW you asked some time back about a new steering wheel. Your wheel is very easily restorable to like new for little cost.........Bob

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Guest oldslady liz

Thank you very much... where is good place to send steering wheel for restoration? I was going to buy brand new one from Fusicks if i cannot find one in excellent condition.. i am still going to get the skirts and have them painted and when i want to have them on i will and when i don't i will take them off...but i like the idea of having both options... there is something about skirts that makes a car look cool.. i will eventually get a pic with them on and put the pics up for judgement lol

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From the pic I would say to do it yourself. Thin cracks are filled with super glue. A bit wider ones with epoxy. Sand smooth and paint. Looking at your wheel I would say a couple hours labor, tops. If you are careful a rattle can can do a credible job of painting it. Total cost should be under $12. If you can care for a horse you can care for your Olds. Surprise yourself..........Bob

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Guest oldslady liz

okay i will give it a whirl.... thanks for the tips... if it does not work at least i tried and can order it anyway...thanks Bob..

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The wheel needs to be removed from the car. Fill the cracks. Level filler with sand paper finishing with 360 grit. Scuff entire wheel with scotch brite or steel wool. Paint to taste. A rattle can will work if you are careful. Reinstall wheel, have a drink of choice, pat yourself on back, buy yourself something nice with the $300 you just saved........Bob

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Guest oldslady liz

yes that was true in my good old days...do you have any pics of your cars in the forum?

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I think your car is lacking in many areas. The model and style are something that needs a lot of work.

I think that the best thing that you could do is to sell the car (to me) so that way you won't have to keep working on it.

Far to much work needs to be done to make it really nice (wink)


P.S. I hope you know that I am just kidding you.

A great looking car that I would love to own.

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Guest oldslady liz

That was very nice kind of you to say Ron Of Chicago,I appreciate it so much..thank you Liz

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Guest Charlie Larkin

Lovely car. On my to-acquire list in model form is a 1955 98 Holiday. I like the white and maroon, and may copy.

Charlie Larkin

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Guest oldslady liz

To: R.W Burgess i will only have them on sometimes,...sort of a mood thing.. thanks very much.,.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest oldslady liz

just wanted to let everyone know i appreciate all your kind funny words... having alot of fun showing my lucille at all the shows... and she is doing very well.... and we are driving to all the shows and so far those rides have been so enjoyable...

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Guest Dave Wyatt

These are the one's that got me interested in Oldsmobiles as a kid. Just something about those bullet tail lights that look so good. Then you move to the inside and see that beautilful dash. I think Olds had the best designs of the 50's, and even on into the 60's.

Beautilful car, someday I will own one.

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It's great to enjoy this hobby with people that have a sense of humor and don't take it all to serious. We all need a little lightheartedness once in a while.

Glad that you're enjoying the summer and showing your beautiful car so all can appreciate it.

If you get bored with it, i'd be glad to drive it for a year, lol.

Best of luck with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest oldslady liz

Thank you very much... i really really enjoy this car... i really liked my essex but this one... wow... hope you do get one some day.

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Guest oldslady liz

Thank you.. one thing i don't think will happen is boredom ... haha... i pat her on the dash and tell her good girl for the rides we are taking are getting longer and longer and she passes every test... so far...

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oldslady liz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">trying to post pics myself for the first time.... yippee ..i did it... </div></div>

See? I told you you could do it.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest oldslady liz

wow is it hard to find a rear window for a 1955 olds 98 holiday..i would like to replace mine because it has some scratches in the glass...maybe done by an animal as it sat in a barn or garage... tried to get the scratches rubbed out but better to replace it if i can ever find one..so if any one hears where i can one in pristine shape please let me know..thanks...

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Guest imported_joecool72

Lovely car there Liz! Sometimes you can take Cutlass's and Camaro's for only so long!!!

Enjoy it!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great looking '98. I have sellers remorse for a '55 '98 2dr HT. I did in mid 80's and sold in late '90's. I did it in turquoise and white and must admit it looked great. Received many great comments and drove it several thousand miles and didn't fail me once. Enjoy your '98 as I think they are one of the best looking Oldsmobiles of the '50's.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest 55olds98holiday

Beautiful car Liz,you have good taste. I will attempt to post a photo of mine. I've owned my 55 for almost 3 yrs and absolutely love driving her down the road.Enjor, Gary


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