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Sick of winter Yet!!

Guest Albert

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Guest Albert

We just got dumped on again last night, about 40cm of snow, and they dont think it will be the last of it,,,


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Guest imported_Speedster

It was real strange here. All around within a mile or so of my house, everyone got a few inches of snow, day before yesterday, but we didn't get any. And that was fine with me.

I'm hopeing it will start warming here Soon, but then it'll start the rainy season and that's almost as bad. smirk.gif

We have been getting much more Rain than normal, the last 5 years or so. cry.gif

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Last year was one of the coldest I remember at least in terms of sustained cold. I don't believe we had a day between December and April the temp did not go below freezing, usually way below. Last snow storm of the year April 16.

According to Saturday's paper we are heading for a year of record snow all across the country. Toronto for example has already gotten 178 cm of snow this year and the record is 207. Typically we get 22% of our winter's snow in March and April.

The same goes for every city from coast to coast.

Global warming is a total crock of poopoo. Every claim they come out with is quickly debunked. The hockey stick graph, the claim that winters are getting warmer, all bogus.

They never mention that in the northern hemisphere the climate is colder now than it was 1000 years ago.

In 1000 AD Vikings were farming in Greenland and picking grapes in Newfoundland. This is attested by the Norse sagas and backed up by ample archaeological investigations.

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If you're sick of the cold, come and visit me in Bangkok. It's about 91 here today. I just got back from 2 days at the beach. Love to have any of you come and visit. I'll be happy to show you around. take care,B

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Come south gentlemen. I have 3 acres that can rest a camper or 2 for a bit. I am about 4 hours from the beaches of Florida and far enough inland to ward off the fiercest of hurricanes, we only got a bit of rainfall from Katrina. Of course if one did come straight up from the gulf we would get hit, but the last time that happened was IVAN and before that CAMILLE. We get heat but that is why GOD let us invent A/C. Come on down ya heah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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