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1939 Special sedan not running, what's it worth

Pete Phillips

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Okay gang, I don't need another old Buick, but there is an ad for a 1939 Special 4-dr sedan in a small town about 40 miles from me. The car has been owned by one old man since the mid-1950s. It was supposedly running, driving, and repainted about 5-6 years ago. Has been sitting since then, outdoors unfortunately. Interior is supposed to be pretty bad and it does not run now, but shouldn;t take much. Supposed to be a complete car. The estate is asking $4000 for it. If the paint job was good, then it should not need much more than a compounding and polishing, and you have to assume the body is good. I can do the upholstery work myself. Is it worth $4000? I plan to try to see it tomorrow, so will post some photos here.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, TX

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My neighbor bought a 39 M41 off e bay 2 years ago that was running-driving for $4500 if I recall correctly. We gave it a brake job, new exhaust system (transport truck ripped old one out) and a MAJOR tune-up.

Ok paint job but getting long in the tooth and the interior is good touring quality but definatly not show.

Hope this is a rough guidline for you.


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That does help.

I finally connected with the seller tonight, and went to see the car. It looks nicer than I expected on the exterior, and much worse than I expected on the interior, which is a disaster. The car is rock solid, not a speck of rust, and the paint still looks pretty good. But other than paint and body work (not needed), the car needs absolutely everything else. You name it, it needs it: headliner, door panels, carpet, wood graining, wire harness, tires, some chrome replating, every rubber weather strip anywhere in the car is toast; and you know it needs the brakes and fuel system completely gone through. Odometer shows 15,000 with a very worn gas pedal, so I'm sure it is 115,000 at least. Basically, it is a well used, unrestored, pre-war car with a recent paint job. Everything else looks original and tired. Oh, it has the somewhat rare streamboards for '39, instead of running boards.

I could not get the crank pulley to turn with my hands, but then, it is nearly impossible to reach on these, anyway.

So, is it worth $2500?




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