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Went to Carlisle All-GM this past weekend and scored some truly neat service literature. Guy was an auto-tech instructor at a Maryland correctional facility and was cleaning out some of the "ancient" stuff. It's all marked "Maryland Penal Farm".


a 1928 "carburetter" theory and overhaul booklet

a 1935 speedometer service guide

two 1940s AAA driving publications

1942, 1958, 1962 and 1966 printings of Kuns' "Automotive Technology"

Also scored a few more pieces for the Oldsmobile sales and service literature collection, as well as a four port battery maintainer, which I hope will reduce my fall and spring battery charging rituals.

But no shiny stuff... frown.gifcry.gif Hey, if it ain't out there, I can't buy it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought this would have garnered more interest.

Anyway... I've had a chance to look closer thru these books. They're International Correspondence Schools textbooks. One is titled "Automobile-Engine Auxiliaries and Carbureters" copyrighted 1927, 1919, 1913 and the other "Forms of Carbureters" c. 1924, 1925.

These are some of the most fascinating technical books I've ever read, though I'm sure the information was considered "common" at the time of printing. The Engine-Auxiliaries text details water, air and steam-vapor cooling systems as well as exhaust and crankcase ventilation systems. The Carbureter texts detail theory of operation on all makes of carbs extant at that time- I found the Miller carbureter especially interesting.

Guess I never expected automotive engineering to be that intense in that era.

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if you want to get more interest i suggest few things...

a subject line that is related to the content of the post:

instead of "goodies" how about "F/S - Misc books and oldsmobile literature"

put prices on the pieces

be more descriptive of the material, especially the oldsmobile literature.

also post in the oldsmobile forum

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rocketraider et al: I have three of the same series books;

Automobiles and Automobile Engines (1928)

Automobile Carbureters (1931)

Automobile Universal Joints - Steering Gears (1931)

As you offered I also would copy information for anyone in need.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Glenn, this would fit well and be interesting in the new Auto Collectabiles and Memorabilia Forum up in the General Section. smile.gif

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