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Xander Wildeisen

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Everything posted by Xander Wildeisen

  1. Well said Carl, and you may mix metaphors. But it is not my hand in the cookie jar.
  2. That would be a great car for a wood worker to show case his/her talents. By turning it in to a one off woodie.
  3. Why would companies guaranty a person so much money if their employment were to end? Are the executives that good, that in order to get them hired. Companies have to offer so much? Some of these chutes seem a little large. You would think a person would want to get fired, and go fishing.
  4. Every car gets to the end of the road one day. Maybe call some Art Schools, and turn them over to some students to pick apart and re-purpose some of the stuff for a Art project. And then scrap the rest, it will be crushed and sent to China, so it can be melted down and used to make some thing like a exercise bike. We will then watch the Olympics and get inspired and think I can do that to. We will see Vince selling Sham Wows and the bike on TV. We will order the bike for 7 payments of 39.95. Bike will arrive in a damaged box, Assembly directions will not be in English, three fasteners will break off putting it together. You will ride it two/three times tops. And then over a few years you will move the bike out of your way about a 100 times. Then you will decide to just throw the dam thing away, it will go to the dump, scrapped and sent to China. Melted down and turned into ball point pens. That you will buy at Stapples, and you will use the pen to sign your name on the check for your trash bill.
  5. If a entity or a institution will allow a individual to be greedy, it is in fact the entity or institution that is greedy, and dependent upon it.
  6. Just for you Amphicar Buyer, sounds like you are venting do to frustration.
  7. They are both great cars, if you pass on one or both, post info so some one looking for one can call on it. Buy the one you like. On the selling end, a convertible coupe is in more demand then a convertible sedan.
  8. What if a guys rents a shop, and has three spots for cars that he can work on. And then gets three customers, with cars that they want some stuff done on. Great, can not ask for anything better then that, right? What if the shop owner does not know that all of his customers know each other. What if the shop owner does not know the guy who owns the building also knows his customers. Now as a small shop, you are tied up. Problem with this car, wrong part on that car, owner go's away for two weeks. Trouble getting paid, land lord wants rent. Your income in now 100% controlled. And you can be pushed closer and closer to being forced to go out of business, and sell off you assets to the very people who did it to you. Or go down the road of drinking the kool aid. There are a lot of reasons that it is getting hard to find good skilled people in any trade. Small businesses are prayed on in this country. And until people want to have a honest conversation about it, it will just get worse. This is a great hobby/industry full of so many great people and cars. The skill and talent of builders/restorers is off the chart. But how we treat small businesses is gross. And it is not every where, bad people are just that, bad people. But if things were talked about, people would have a much harder time harming small businesses in this wonderful trade/hobby/industry.
  9. As a car builder/restorer you are very dependent on other companies, tire stores, glass shops, paint stores, chrome shops and so on. Small businesses face a lot of problems, and can get caught in the middle of other BS. If the people who own the other businesses want to cause a person/shop owner problems, it would be very easy to do. I understand that you need to charge for your time as a shop owner. But that is a fine line, is a problem with parts the customers fault? What if the problems you have with parts are given to you on purpose. Can other businesses target people by using your business as the tool? If you were to charge a customer for all of your time, and a lot of your time was spent dealing with problems that should not be there. Could other people bring financial harm to your customers, because they do not like who they are? Or they are wanting to give your shop a bad image, of over charging people. Starting to charge for all of your time can be very dangerous, it can led you down a road of entrapment.
  10. Looking at samples, furniture leather seems to have more choices in the distressed line. I understand the UV part to anything exposed to the sun. But a couch sitting by a window gets some sun. How much sun will a door panel get in a truck cab parked in a garage with tinted windows. And then driven in the summer with the window up and the A/C on? I would guess furniture in the lobby of a bank or hotel will take far more abuse from people, then the front seat of a car/truck. Also guessing that the softer the leather is, the greater chance to tear? I am not saying that you want to cover a seat with leather from a belt. But you do see some very nice restored cars, that when you look at the seat. You can see the leather stretched out where one would sit. Can this be solved by a thicker leather? And is furniture leather a little thicker?
  11. Quality of the restoration will be the big factor. The Roadmaster is where I would park my money. No way a convertible sedan will cost the same as a convertible two door to restore.
  12. Has any one heard whether the AACA decided to discuss the topic "restoring cars for a living" I know that they have a panel of experts at the fall meet that pick different topics to talk about. That would be a good one, this topic would fit right in with that one as well.
  13. I know the difference between a roadster and a convertible coupe. 1931 was the last year Packard made a roadster. But they did call their convertible coupes in the following year/years, a coupe roadster if I remember correct. Before dropping the name roadster. You have a very nice convertible coupe.
  14. I am just guessing that the Cads are a little more nimble. The Packard's are a heavy car. Engine has great power. They ride smooth, but you can feel the weight of the car driving them. I like the looks of the Cad roadsters, they are a bigger car. Some of the other makes of cars, have great styling. But are to small in the interior. Early 30's cars are small and narrow in the front seating for the most part. A 34 Packard in any body style is a good looking car.
  15. Very nice car, I think the dark green fenders with the body color, will look stunning in the bright sun. How do the 30-31 Cad roadsters drive compared to the Packard's of the same year? I have not driven a early Cad roadster.
  16. No bull likes to be mistaken for a dairy cow.
  17. Moooove on down the road with that one.
  18. At the time of birth, all calves dream and talk about maybe, just maybe. At the time of their passing. Part of them living on! Being honored, by being displayed/showcased in a fine automobile like a Hudson. It is the greatest achievement a cow can accomplish over the course of it's life. So many great and historic cows have been honored in this way. And only if we all set aside our differences and come together as a united people. Can we assure that all cows, no matter their back ground, their beliefs, their bred, what herds they run with, or past failures. All have a equal shot at this great symbolic achievement. And at that point, we as a county can finally get past this cow discrimination, that has been such a black eye on the face of our great nation. I believe so strongly, deep with in my heart. That if we would just reach out with our hands. They would reach out with their hooves.
  19. Do not mind buying through a upholstery shop. Just trying to find the leather product that I want to use. The guy I use for interior is busy, So asking him to research it out, would take awhile. I guess what I am looking for is leather that looks like a old base ball mitt. (nice worn feel) Leather from a cow that had a hard life, but died happy.
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