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Posts posted by nickelroadster

  1. Go find yourself a couple of  old Dykes repair manuals.  These can be good as each year usually goes back and covers cars from the previous seven to ten years or so.  If you got two of them from different years say about 1930 and 1922 they could pretty much cover what you would be looking for.  Just disregard all the instructions about using gasoline to clean everything with.  Good way to start a fire.

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  2. Ed, sorry I don't have a picture of my 16 olds tank but it it is the same kind of tank that  Mr. Cole has posted about and seems to be a very common type on lots of cars.  I do have a couple of early twenties tanks if you would like any pictures.  Every time I stop by Olson"s Gaskets at Hershey They offer up a "free" cork gasket for the top of the tank and that type goes on most of the SW tanks.

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  3. Everyone panics and goes to buy gas.  This is what really causes the shortage.  So many people think that we have a constitutional right to gas (and it should be cheap!).  There are rumors that the pipeline co. paid up. This will really cause this thing to snowball and it will become much more common.  Isn't the shutdown kind of like canceling a pipeline?  I am not going to get in line for gas.  If I have to do that, I just won't drive.

  4. I realize that this is an older car but the manual for my 1915 Olds tells you how to adjust the oil flow to the engine. Adjust it high and back off when the engine starts smoking.  Adjust the level down and if the engine starts pounding turn it up a bit.  I prefer to not get to the point where the engine is pounding and I don't mind if it smokes a little. It is a total loss oil system. 

  5. I bought a 1916 Oakland strictly for the Northway fan blade and water pump and had it shipped from North Dakota.  The majority of the rest of the usable parts were pedaled off and then I donated the bones to our local Old Car city which was a functioning junk yard until about 1980.  They now just exhibit  the junk.  I just about broke even but did a lot of free labor and it was fun.  What we will do to obtain unobtainable parts

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  6. The Savoyautomobile Museum in Cartersville GA is scheduled to open sometime this fall.  They are just finishing up a brand new building for it.  I work at another museum (The museum company has two other museums) here and have been a little skeptical about the wisdom of building a new car museum.  I hope it will fly but I don't think I would invest my money in it.  Wish them well.  If anyone is interested I could post a picture of the facility.



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