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D Yaros

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Posts posted by D Yaros

  1. I know absolutely nothing about '26 Cadillacs. Even so, your reference to it having an aluminum body caught me eye. Hopefully others will jump in and let us know, but were Cadillac bodies made from aluminum in 1926? If they were, that sure would surprise me.

  2. On take off from a dead stop there is a slight engine hesitation/stumble when stepping on the gas. We are talking a second or less. Then the car runs just fine. This condition is repeatable.

    Had one place tell me it is a bad carburetor accelerator pump diaphragm; most likely caused by modern day ethanol laced fuel.

    Problem with this theory, to me, is that I rebuilt the carb using an ethanol compatible kit from Daytona Parts Co.

    Anyone else with this situation?

    Is the likely culprit carb, vacuum, transmission, linkage or what? What do you guys think?

    Need advice. Thanks.

  3. Well now, my 1962 Olds Dynamic 88 has seat belt mounts (weld nut anchors). In fact, I thought the presence of the same was mandated in 1962 by the feds? If that is so, all cars would have had to have had the mounts.

    Yes, Ford led the way with seat belts in 1956. Suspect they were optional, not standard equipment?

  4. For future reference, Is there any place you can find the 5/8 or 3/4 inch whitewall on a radial equivalent (235/75/14--car in question is a '65 Olds Ninety-Eight convertible with A/C)? I could not find such an animal for Coker, Universal, or Lucas. I do see the 1-inch versions at all locations...

    I too would like to learn of such a source. Would buy 4 right now, just to have on hand for when needed in the future! My current tires are 3/4" WW and I do like the look.

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