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Everything posted by unimogjohn

  1. It is Monday, July 30th, PM. I did get a report from Greg, the Studebaker R5 engine is complete. By this time tomorrow it will be in South Bend. I have pics from Greg, but he asked me not to release them until he arrives at the show. So will post them Wednesday morning. I finished sanding the barn fan and then prepped it for painting. Put on two coats of Eastwood's black rust encapsulator paint. I like the stuff as it is strong as iron when dried and keeps the dreaded rust away. Tomorrow I am going to paint the inside of the fan light gray and the outside with a black pick-up bed spray on material from Rustoleum. Why these colors? Because I have them sitting around so I will not have to spend another dime on the fan. Oh, in reading the Jaguar judging manual it says you must have a front license plate holder and plate. It does not need to be on the car, but must be displayed with the car. I have a plate, and now I have a holder compliments of Ebay. Nice piece and very good quality. I was done with the fan so started mowing the back yard. Bam! Ouch! Got stung on my hand. See the pics of the result, right and left hand. Notice any difference? Gave up for the day. My hand hurts. And now a big thunder and wind storm just blew through, and we are without power. The generator kicked on immediately. Best investment I have ever made.
  2. Chris, congrats! You did it! But is only one horn working? Sounds like mine, and I only have one horn.
  3. Pat, what Bill wrote is exactly my experience. In addition, if you looked at the car from the rear, the clamp ends were the lowest part of the car and would not be too much trouble catching one on some obstruction and damaging the exhaust system. And I guess more importantly I just did not like the "look" of the dangling ends.
  4. It is Sunday, July 29th, early PM. Nothing from Greg in the past couple of days. He must be too busy to report. Yesterday was a hot one. We were out on a farm visit and recorded this outside temperature on the Passat's instrument cluster. Decided to work on the Jaguar this morning and replace that cut-off switch. Got it out and found the problem. The pot metal case had started to separate from age and allowed the mechanism to basically fall apart. Had to drill out the bracket for the larger switch and then had to mount it sideways to enable the car's back enclosure to close properly. All this sounds simple, but a lot of work both on the topside and under the car. Took about four hours. While I was under the car I took a look at the exhaust clamps. they were pointing down, so I loosened them up and turned them 45 degrees. Easy job as the exhaust system and brackets are new and have not had a chance to rust up. Now the pooch and I can go and take a ride.
  5. It is Friday, July 27th, PM. It has been so hot here the past few days you cannot work outside for any duration. Just not fun. But today I did start the repair of the big barn fan. I took everything apart and tomorrow will wash and clean it. It is starting to rust so will do some rust removal and paint work to bring it back to new. Yesterday we had Larry and Joan (dibarlaw on the forum) drop by for a visit. Larry and I worked on the 1922 Buick model 45 up in Baltimore, MD. He has 1922 and 1937 Buicks. Anyway, I was showing him the cars, and I went to start the Jaguar for him and maybe even take a spin. Turned the key and nothing. The battery was stone cold dead. After they departed I went out to the Jaguar with the battery charger. So I hooked it up and it immediately went off with a little green light showing, which meant that the battery was fully charged. So ??????????????. Well the car has a shut off switch in the battery compartment. I never used it except once or twice just to see if it worked. Well it decided to give out, and in both the on and off position it is off. I can jiggle it and it makes a connection. Just so happens that I have a new switch that I bought off Ebay a month ago. Was going to put it in the Avanti, but now it looks like it will probably go into the Jag. No news from Greg. He is either getting ready for the Studebaker show in South Bend or already on his way. So as I depart I leave you with a few pics, the fan, new motor, and then the switches. Opps, just got a note from Greg. He is working hard on the Avanti R5 race motor. Almost done. He plans on loading on Monday and heading out on Tuesday. Hopes to be in South Bend Wednesday morning. He has folks lined up to help him unload and move the motor to the display area. And he get to go around the Studebaker proving ground track in his Avanti on Saturday. He is going to have a great time.
  6. Bill, if you cannot find one, I would order a "looks like" air filter from Summit Racing. They have a bunch and almost no one would know the difference.
  7. It is Thursday, July 26th. The heat is on. Going up to 105 today. The barn fans are going to get a workout today. My biggest job will be to keep the llamas hosed down. And Greg is getting ready for the big reveal. He still has a lot of hanging of to do on the engine, but all the piece parts are rebuilt, referbushed or NOS. Will be great to see the engine all complete. But here is his report from last night. "Trying to get this engine ready for show and tell. It's to be loaded on the trailer coming Monday and I've got most of a legal tablet page of things yet to be done. Spent tonight doing things most of which I'd forgotten to list, like drill the stand and install lthe bolts in the support struts, paint the stand, etc. I'm making every effort to make a good showing. I guess this South Bend debut will the the first time this R-5 stuff has been seen in public since the Due Cento Avanti was displayed at an auto show (Los Angeles I think) about the time of the Bonneville runs in '63. Stay tuned." =
  8. It is Wednesday, July 25th, PM. Just got back from a round trip to upstate PA to pick up a huge portable fan for the llamas. It is called a Heat Buster. Does a great job of making wind. We have one and it just so happened that the motor for it burned up yesterday. Anyway, a motor is on order. But I won the new one on Ebay for less than 1/3 of the cost of a new one, a new one runs about $1000. So it was worth it to go up and get it. Cost about $65 in gas. When I got back I got an email from Greg, and he said that he is going to take my truck and trailer to South Bend next week. Leaving on Monday so he can set up the display R5 engine. So he is going to put the engine and his Maroon Avanti in the trailer and head up for the week. Meanwhile back at my place I have decided to enter the Jag in the National Capital Jaguar Club concours in early October. It will be an official judged event so I took a look at the judging standards for the champion and driver divisions. No way can I compete in the champion division so will enter the driver competition. Even that will be a difficult event. Just too many things incorrect on my car that will add deductions like crazy. But then again it is worth the attempt just for the sake of doing it. It would probably cost me about $5000 just to qualify for the champion level anyway so the driver entry is the way to go. So I will start with the most inexpensive things and move up from there, and see how far I can go without going crazy. So today I received two little handles for my heater vents under the dash. One of mine is missing and of course the judge's manual says look to make sure both are there. The other thing is that the car is suppose to have metal caps on the tire valves. I have modern rubber ones. So I got the correct ones and put them on tonight to include the spare. For sure I will get major deductions for not have a complete tool roll, I only have a mallet. I am missing all the tools so a big deduction. A correct and complete tool roll is about $1000. I am not going to that for sure. I also have a modern alternator versus a generator, not going to change that out either. I also have two modern speakers mounted in the wrong place, so "ka-ching", another deduction. And my exhaust headers, the glass coating is starting to flake off so will take a hit there. A new coating, which may last only a season or two, will cost $1200 or so. So will do what I can do, and just enjoy the experience. I will report here what I am doing. And how much I have spent. Right now I am at $35.
  9. Bill, keep us posted on your ride this weekend. Let us know how everything comes out.
  10. I agree with Mike. Also did you have the plugs loose or out when you left it sitting? Condensation is usually the bad guy in this. I would just put in a teaspoon of Marvel Mystery Oil and put the plugs in and turn her over a few times. I would not over do it either. Just go back two your every couple of months routine rotation. Also you have to remember you are not building any pressure so your main bearings are not getting much oil if any. You want to be careful.
  11. Bill, re the smoke. I was playing around mine and accidentally sprayed some WD40 around and on it. Lots of smoke. So it had some cleaning or oil residue on it, then it would smoke until it burned off. Should not do it now unless it got sprayed again.
  12. Bill, Good you are trying to get the old girl running. Of course we will help. Re the gas issue. There is a rubber hose coming out the bottom of the tank and connects to the steel line that runs from back to front. You need to replace it and while you are at it I would replace the rubber lines from the steel line in front to the fuel pump and then from the fuel pump to the carb. To my knowledge no one is making a new tank. There was a rumor that Nostalgic Motors had a SS tank. Worse case you can pull yours again and take it to Gas Tank Renu franchise. They are pricey, about $600 to 800 depending on how bad your tank is. But then again, it is guaranteed forever. Re the ballast resistor. Sounds like it is working as designed. The resistor drops the 12v to 8v when the car is running and the starter disengaged. There is a wire that goes from the ignition switch to the coil that gives a full 12v when starting only. If you ran 12v all the time your points would burn up quickly. Re the wire. What is the black wire connected to. That would help. It could be to the tack sender. If you want to call my phone is 540 364 2454.
  13. It is Monday, July 23rd. I did get the Avanti out yesterday and gave her a bath too. Looks great glistening in the sun. But Greg is doing real work. Here is his report. I think he is going to go to the Studebaker meet in South Bend at the end of the month. I have offered the use of the truck and trailer (since he still has it) to haul up his Avanti and the engine he is preparing. "Sunday night and where did the weekend go? Friday night I'd planned to make a fast trip to Rob's to fetch some parts, but a driving rainstorm turned us around. Instant replay Saturday morining was successful. With plenty of work to do to meet an upcoming deadline, there wasn't much time for playing. And so that's pretty much the tale. Photo enclosed of my day spent in uncharted territory. Plumbing." =
  14. Bill, Usually, the rusted and thin metal is cut out and a new patch is welded in. But with that said I think that the patch would work, I just don't know for how long. I would start looking around for a replacement tank at some point.
  15. Dwight, You are doing things right for now. I would continue to spray your favorite concoction for a couple of days and then try to turn by hand. If that does not work, I would put it in second gear and then with a couple of friends rock the car forward and back a few times. If it is barely stuck, this should free it up. If that does not work I would put in a new concoction of 1/2 ATF and 1/2 acetone. That is the recommend fluid to break the little rust bond between the rings and the cylinder wall. It does not take much rust to stop it from turning. Keep us updated.
  16. It is Sunday, July 22nd. A few days ago I sent an email to a person I thought might be the son of the original owner of the Jaguar. To my surprise I received a call this afternoon from Jack. Turns out that Jack was the owner and not his dad; and was the fourth owner. He purchased the car in 1965 for $650 and sold it in 1979. When he bought the Jag from a used car lot, it was not running as it had some engine issues. Jack said that he and his dad quickly diagnosed the problem in the vale train, pulled the head and had it fixed. When he sold the car it has 20,260 miles on the odometer. Jack is 76 years old. Oh, and the car has only 25,650 miles today. He also told me that he believed the original owner to be Mark Stephens of Port St. Ritchie, FL. Mark was the director of the Arthur Murray Dance Studio there. The next owner had the car repainted in the original color as he wanted to remove the dance studio advertisement that was painted on the front wings/fender of the car. Jack said that he had a binder full of pictures and historical information on all the owners. He said that he would make copies of everything and send them off. He said that he was sorry that the car is missing its tools and jack. He said that those were all there at one point. He was very happy that I had contacted him, and was more than pleased that the car survives today. We talked for about two hours. I am sure their more tales to tell in the future. All this is so exciting.
  17. Chris, that windshield washer thingie is much different than mine. Mine is near the floor and is actuated by your foot. It also has numerous wires that go to the wipers to turn them on and off when you press the washer pedal. Looks like yours is just a pull/push for fluid when your wipers are working. Does the same job. And do not try to really force the plug together because for some reason the two halves will not completely go flush with each other. I would just take it apart, clean and lube it with WD40 or similar product. Then see if a miracle occurs and the horns work.
  18. It is Friday, July 20th. Rain coming in today, and not as hot. Yahoo! And Greg is hopping around trying to get the R3 display engine completed. He told me that he wants to take it to South Bend, IN for the Studebaker Nationals at the end of the month. He says it is "iffy". But he is trying. Here is his report. 'By the hardware store before work, picked out some paint for the engine stand. During lunch I prepped and painted the struts I made so that they could be installed after work. With them in place, I started hanging parts, heads and gaskets, coolant manifold, right side blower bracket, etc. I'll finish painting the stand another day. More important things first. Pages are flying off of the calendar like in an old movie. So with space to fill , more photos for your viewing pleasure. *Two old guys tooling around in Eldon Eby's Cutting. *Greg hops a ride. *Dan Miller out for a spin. That Miller Meet sure was a good time." =
  19. It is Thursday, July 19th. Even in this heat, Greg presses ahead. He is working in the shop, but it is still warm. Here is his report from last night. "Pushing hard on the night shift. Shot more paint tonight. Doesn't look like much, three pieces, but when you have to make the adapter to mount the pulley on the rotisserie, prep and prime the other parts, it all takes time. In between coats I worked on those support struts for the stand. Now cut, adjusted and welded, they can be prepped and readied for paint. Haven't decided what color use on the stand itself. Something businesslike but won't distract from the subject. Now I can start hanging parts on the engine itself. I am carefully studying existing black and white photographs to accurately capture each color and detail. Don't ask me why they painted the pulleys themselves. Mustn't forget to clean the paint gun."
  20. It is Wednesday, July 18th. One good thing about Greg's posts is that he pens them late in the evening, so I get to have them with my morning coffee too. Me, I am usually up early, as the cats begin gnawing on my feet so I will get up and feed them. So, here is Greg's report from last night, as I sip away at my coffee. "Well, an advantage of living at your place of work, like I do, is that your boss knows where you sleep. Another early morning, a road trip with Ken took us into Pennsylvania, almost to New York. Made us late getting back, but I've still managed to mix and spray some red on more engine components. The various pulleys are being installed on the rotisserie and sprayed one at a time. Studying the existing photos carefully documents that the Granatellis certainly painted most everything red. My plan for this evening was to also get the stand supports cut and welded, but at this point in time, think I might search out and cut a couple pieces of steel, clean the paint gun, and call it a day."
  21. It is Tuesday, July 17th. Not much new to report. I did spend some time on the Jaguar before it just got too hot. I was reviewing the maintenance section of the operator manual, and it mention that there were two grease fitting on the water pump and fan hub that were often overlooked during normal servicing. So I went out to find and grease them. Now I know why they were often overlooked. They are tucked way in there and hardly any room to get your grease nipple on them. But I was successful so they are now done. I then checked the PM mail and behold, the 1996 program for the Meadow Brook Hall Concours arrived. And in the 1995 results page I spied the Jaguar 120. It was award 2nd place in class J. So now I have proper documentation that it did receive an award. Here are the pics.
  22. and still in use today too. 1/2'' Power Twist Plus Link V-Belt - Rockler Woodworking Tools
  23. Still Monday, hot and humid, about 95, waiting for the storms to come in. Got the afternoon mail. Don't believe everything you read unless you have the proof, in writing. It was documented in the 2004 RM auction brochure that the Jag was selected for the 1990 Meadow Brook Hall Concours event. Today, I received the 1991 program where the 1990 participants and winners were acknowledged. Well, our Jaguar is not there. So much for oral history. At least I know that it was entered in 1995 as shown in the program, and the 1996 program is on its way. Now that will be proof.
  24. Wayne, you certainly could. The only other wires in the harness/plug are the two turn signal wires and I believe another ground wire.
  25. Just an update on the Jaguar documentation. I have contacted the previous owner via the broker, and they will see if they have the "diary" from the car. Also receive a note from Barbara that if the previous owner (Greg) does not have the diary, then they would check their information on the car and see what they have for me. Also Barbara sent us a pic of their current driver. I believe it to be a XK 140 roadster. Since I was on a roll I decided to see if I could find out any information on the Jags reported first owner. Got to poking around the web and found the obituaries for both the husband and wife. He passed in 1986 and she in 2011. But it was reported that they had a son who is active in the Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg automobile club. So I found an email address for him on their forum site and sent him a note. So we will see if he responds and let you all know. It would be great to find the original owner and may even a pic of the car and him together.
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