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Everything posted by unimogjohn

  1. Bernie, very interesting. Could you post a pic of your engine?
  2. Still Friday, but PM. Ever watch the TV show "Wheeler Dealers"? It is a buy, fix and flip British car show with Mike Brewer and his ace mechanic, Ed China. I enjoy the show as Ed actually gets dirty. Anyway I had recorded one last week that was about a Jag Mark 2. It was blowing lots of engine smoke and Ed figured that the blow-by canister and breather assembly filter was bad. Well, he pulled the breather from the front of the engine and by golly the mesh filter was clogged. So he cleaned it up and put it back together and viola, no more smoking. So today I started up the Jag. Came right to life. Let it warm up and then put it back in the trailer. Going to take it on a run tomorrow or Sunday. Was looking at the engine and remembered the Mark 2 episode. Same engine as my 120, but 3.8 versus 3.4. Ummm, I wonder if I should check my breather assembly. Only four little bolts. So pulled the breather. Looked really nice and clean, but no filter. Nothing to gunk up. Everything looked good, so cleaned everything up, lubed the water pump and fan hub assembly, and put her back together. So here are a couple of pics. Oh, and the Avanti front bumper came home today. Will open the box tomorrow. Suppose to be nicer tomorrow so plan to spend the day burning all the debris that came down. I know, wood burning equals pollution, but that is about the only way we have to get rid of stuff in the country.
  3. Mike, just went through the same thing. Mine turned out to be that the heat flap in the little exhaust section was full on. The exhaust could not escape. So I would check that. Also would check the advance to make sure that it full on, mine would gradually creep back to the retard position. And while you are in that area check to see that the points are set correctly.
  4. It is Friday, November 9th, AM. It is warming up here, heading north to 70 degrees on Monday. And things are still hot with Greg as he continues on the Avanti. Speaking of Avanti's, I just received an email from Jerry Forrester. He said that my Avanti front bumper is done and on the way back to me. Wow, now that is a quick turnaround for sure. Will post pics when it arrives. "I still haven't adjusted to this darned time change. So with no commute to work, I've been hitting the floor "early". Today, with my plan of getting the radiator mounted in 5054, the hardware needed to be found so that I could get it prepared. Same for the hood's bolts and prop. The prop bracket was sad, really rusty. The scraps from our shear contained a piece of .062 mild steel, and a few minutes later I had a new one. Quick and dirty shear and punch work. That was before I clocked in. Tonight after the hardware was prepped, I carried the radiator to the tin shed (a wind tunnel), dropped it in place and stuck a couple screws in it. I tried to put the screws in the hood. They won't go until I clean the threads with a tap, so unless it warms up.... I'll get to it in the Spring. Oh how I long for the days when everyone else is complaining about the heat." =
  5. Still Thursday, late AM. Every day I try to do something to one of the old cars. Does not matter if it is much. Just checking the oil or wiping something off is enough. Today is one of those days. I ordered the final number of grease dust covers for the 23 McLaughlin Buick yesterday. I ordered 10 of about 25. I only had a couple when I bought the car so have been collecting a few here and there as I found them. Looking through the restorationstuff.com catalog I see they had them. Upon inspection, they are new, not NOS. If they were NOS they would have been nickle plated with a little burled edge. But no matter as I have the NOS ones where they can be seen. These will go on the underside of the car and on the shackle grease pins for the springs and front steering rods. As a judging matter, I did get a point or two knocked off for not having these all in place at the Buick Nationals. So now they are all on. Here are a couple of pics to include one of the parts I ordered; a new wiper blade for the 23 that I will have to resize, metal ties, and woven fuel line sleeve to hopefully help the dreaded vapor lock in the summer.
  6. Pat, I will check those pins. And it is Thursday, November 8th, AM and we have a Greg Avanti report. Starting a warm up, 50 degrees today and 70 on Sunday. "Black Wednesday in more ways than one. Gloss and semi-gloss. Since I've been neglecting 5054, I took tonight for the radiator. Having been cleaned and tested, it was time to prep and paint it. I'd already stripped the paint from the tanks and supports, so I covered both sides of the core with cardboard and then lightly bead blasted the surroundings to get them ready for color. Short on paint, a late-night trip to WalMart enabled me to shoot a light coat of primer on the steel parts, a light coat of semi-gloss on the core to give it some color but not insulate the fins, then gloss black on the tanks and supports. After it has dried thoroughly and I find the mounting bolts, I can not only get it installed in the car, but I can also get that painted hood off the hangar floor and back on." =
  7. I decided to see if I can rewire the 90 plus year old spot light that I have on the 1923 McLaughlin Buick. It is in good condition for its age, but it also looks its age. The wiring for sure is shot and the handle that you twist to get it on/off feels very loose so I know that the spring that gives it tension on the contacts is probably broken. Now how to get it apart? I took off the rim bracket, which was held together with a small screw, gently pried the glass from the rim. The cork gasket is still partially there, but will make a new one, and pulled out the bulb. The bulb still looks good with the little dimple on top. It is a Mazda 1130. I figured that the thing must unscrew so sprayed everything with Kroil and let it sit for 30 minutes. With just a little force the bucket started to unscrew from the attachment. So that solves that, everything unscrews. Great. However, the wood handle must come off for everything to come apart. There are two small holes in the handle. One I can see just looks like it goes over the light base, the other hold has a round pin poking up through the wood. I figure you must just push in on the pin and it would release the handle, which would pop off. Well, pushed in the pin with a drill, it does not move, and cannot get the handle off. Anyone have any ideas? Here are some pics. Right now I have some more Kroil soaking the pin and will try later to push it in. But please do chime in if you have any recommendations.
  8. David, you will have to post some pics of the Reo. Is it Rob's car? Still Wednesday, early PM. Am looking at radar and watching the snow start to come into the area. I see that NJ and NY are already getting lots of it. Hopefully, we will be on the fringe. Went out to check on the Jag in the trailer. She is fine, but have some water staining on the floor. So got the ladder and went up to see what I could see. Well, the old calking is going and letting in just a little water. So check all the side seams and gave those that looked suspect a bit of new calking. That should fix it before the storm, rain or snow. Still too cold outside so decided to see if I can rewire the 90 plus year old spot light that I have on the 23. It is in good condition for its age, but it also looks its age. The wiring for sure is shot and the handle that you twist to get it on/off feels very loose so I know that the spring that gives it tension on the contacts is probably broken. Now how to get it apart? I took off the rim bracket, which was held together with a small screw, gently pried the glass from the rim. The cork gasket is still partially there, but will make a new one, and pulled out the bulb. The bulb still looks good with the little dimple on top. It is a Mazda 1130. I figured that the thing must unscrew so sprayed everything with Kroil and let it sit for 30 minutes. With just a little force the bucket started to unscrew from the attachment. So that solves that, everything unscrews. Great. However, the wood handle must come off for everything to come apart. There are two small holes in the handle. One I can see just looks like it goes over the light base, the other hold has a round pin poking up through the wood. I figure you must just push in on the pin and it would release the handle, which would pop off. Well, pushed in the pin with a drill, it does not move, and cannot get the handle off. Anyone have any ideas? Here are some pics. Right now I have some more Kroil soaking the pin and will try later to push it in. But please do chime in if you have any recommendations.
  9. It is Wednesday, November 7th, AM. Having my morning coffee with a cat on my lap and the pellet stove blazing. Life is good. It was cold yesterday, did not get above 45 degrees, but decided to put on the new distributor cap boots. It was just too cold. The wires have taken "set" due to the cold and would not cooperate. I also had to take off and redo the little brass end of the plug before putting on the boots. Even though they are for the 8 mm wire you have to lubricate them to get them onto the wire. Going to be a lot warmer this weekend. So gave up before I broke anything. But Greg is made of sterner stuff. Here is his report from last night. "It's been a busy day, and so far a good one on both sides of the Blue Ridge mountains. First thing I met my Mom and we went to vote. After pressing the big red VOTE button and I backed away from the machine, the voting assistant then asked me if I voted the way I wanted to. I said "Yes" but I should have told him that if I didn't vote the way my Mother said , I'd get my butt beat and that she's standing right over there. Dropped her off and then picked up the radiator for the Avanti 5054 at the radiator shop. It had been pronounced clean and in good condition. When he asked me how long it has been since it's last checkup, I said that he should check his invoices. I think it was in '73 when he last saw it. Met David Coco (trimacar on the forum) at my storage garage, and after he found my errant Overland rear main bearing cap, we extricated his air compressor. He had bought a new industrial upright, which he dropped off at my place around twenty-five years ago. For storage and handling charges it cost him lunch. And we had a good visit at our old haunt, White Post Restorations along the way. Tonight I elected to work on the Matheson engine. I cut some cylinder base gaskets out of brown wrapping paper, then having run out of excuses, began the cylinder installation. As of now, all four jugs are in place and retention nuts snugged. Getting them torqued will be next. Since they also tighten the main bearing caps, it may take some patience to get the hardware tight and the main bearings not too tight. With this milestone accomplished, if I drank beer, I'd go have one. " =
  10. Bernie, the Packard looks great. Superior job as usual. What a classic. Have enjoyed the journey with you.
  11. It is Tuesday, November 6th, AM. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr 27 degrees. Heading off to vote this morning. Time to bundle up. But Greg has a report for us this morning before we all head out. "Tonight I decided to prep and paint the Matheson cam towers and caps. I had a small amount of paint left over from the cylinders and with the exorbitant prices levied on these hardened urethane enamels, you try to use every drop. Stored in the fridge since yesterday, I added a little to it and had enough to get them done. Good, another check mark on the long list ahead. Today brought a surprise phone call from an old acquaintance, neighbor, classmate. Hadn't heard from him since the early eighties. He had gone to work as a cameraman for one of the DC television stations and was part of the crew filming a segement there at the restoration shop where I used to work. Recently he had run into Paul Rose who was showing a car in Carolina. Today's conversation brought back some memories, one of them he wasn't aware of. Denny Bly, for some reason, also connected with Studebakers. When I took Avanti 5054 apart for restoration, about 1972, he was driving a '65 two door, light blue with a black vinyl top. It was one of the later cars that used the Chevy V8 . I had dropped out of community college to take a job at an explosives plant about fifty miles away. Having taken apart my daily driver, he sold me his . It did ok for me, although I never really warmed up to the non Studebaker engine. When he sold me the car, he'd told me that our local dealer, the same one that dealt Seabiscuit, had done some steering box work on it, but it still did have some wander in it. Nothing new to an old car guy, just keep it in the sweet spot as you drove. One day on the way to work, an afternoon shift, I was cruising North on I81 and had just cleared Winchester and Rt11 North. At this point the dual lane highway begins a gradual curve to the right. Running along at 65, the car kept leaning toward the left lane. I gently corrected. It kept favoring the left, so I corrected more. No effect. The more I corrected, the farther into the left lane I went. As both left side wheels found the shoulder and then entered the grass median, I gave the wheel a snap of my wrist and it just spun like a top. Oh great, and the car had drum brakes, so I was afraid of the brake pedal. A brake grabbing might cause it to careen or maybe even a cartwheel. I just planted both feet on the floor and hung on for the ride. The median being graded like a trough, we went down into it and up the other side towards the oncoming traffic. I had slowed to about 60 as both left wheels encountered the oncoming fast lane pavement. That's when the car began a downhill trip again and taking me up the other side to put the right side wheels on the friendly fast lane. Then down again and up the othe side. Needless to say the oncoming traffic was scattering. I did this median crisscrossing five times until I got it slowed enough for me to hit the brakes to stop before I hit a graded police crossover. I had successfully made it to the Clearbrook exit. And I had somehow missed not only a head on collision with any number of vehicles, but also missed any number of culverts and concrete abutments that litter the median on that stretch. As I sat there trying to envision what had just happened, a passerby pulled up. They gave me a lift to a nearby phone booth (remember them?). I called buddy Steve who was just getting off work at the print shop. Asked him to stop by my garage and pick up the floor jack. A quick check of the car had made it evident that the big nut that holds the steering arm to the box was gone. When the steering had been serviced at the dealer, they'd neglected to tighten it. For some reason I had one in my toolbox onboard. I put the steering back together and went on to work. Even though I made explosives at work, I knew that the drive would probably kill me. Ps. In today's conversation, Denny was pleased to say that the segment they'd done for Channel 9 had been nominated for an Emmy. Must have been good, I didn't get to see it." =
  12. It is Monday, November 5th, PM. Seems like it was only yesterday that it was 80 degrees outside, tonight it is suppose to drop to 25 degrees or lower, and snow is anticipated on Wednesday. So drained the radiators and blocks of the 20s cars. Only takes a second to do so no big deal. I also received my new distributor wires boots from Bob's Automobilia. They are 8 mm, correct for my size of wiring. In 1923 they did not have these little boots and the wires were just stuck into the distributor, naked. So they were prone to water intrusion and also shaking out of the distributor. So in the following years they started putting on the boots. My boots are age cracking and about to go south, so I bought new ones. You use to be able to only get 7 mm sizes, luckily Bob's saw the need for the 8 mm ones and had a bunch made. Not cheap, but you have to do what you have to do. Here are the before and after. When it warms up tomorrow I will put them on the car. Today I had the honor of taking Steve over to pick up his new 1967 Camaro SS 350. Here are a few pics of Steve and Bobby talking and exchanging the money for the title. Steve is the one without the hat. Left at 10:30 AM this morning and was home by 3:30 PM. The car ran great all the way home. Only one little hick-up, the driver's door would not open. I think the clip for the lock came off the rod and the car is locked. Oh well, a little issue to be resolved. But the car is home now, right in front of the brand new garage, especially built for it. Glad that I could help Steve out.
  13. Roger, the rest of the story from Greg. "Dog? What dog? Oh, the big white hairy dog. Evidently it belonged to a neighbor. I think it still stops by to see Fred when off the leash. (when the dog is off the leash, not Fred.)"
  14. It is Sunday, November 4th AM. Here is a report from Greg and another good story. Me, been repairing fencing, cutting up downed trees, the usual farm stuff. And waiting for car parts for the 23. "Feeling more like working after a bout with a cold, I'm getting the Matheson cylinders ready for paint.. taping, masking, and using #400 sandpaper to scuff the boogers stuck in the prime coats. While doing this I get time to let my mind wander. I just got good news about my friend Fred Hoch (who lives and restores cars in Jersey), for many years a source of good advice and bad jokes. I had to laugh to myself after recalling a true story. Some years ago I was looking for some afterwork entertainment. I happened onto a notice concerning a vintage dance class to be held in Cape May. Always an admirer of things early Twentieth Century, this might fit right in. I threw some clothes in the backseat and off for the weekend. I took a class or two and looked forward to the evening social dance. With time to kill, I found my way to Fred's home in the country. A short visit with him, then back to Cape May for the evening social. I didn't stay long though, I didn't have a date, was way outclassed on the dance floor, and besides, it was a period costume event. After watching for a while I decided to make it back to Fred's where he had a place for me to crash for the night. Fred lives in an appropriately old farmhouse. He had shown me to my room upstairs. To get to it you had to use one of those secret stairways hidden in the wainscot paneled wall. Really neat. As I drove back that night, it got very dark and it really started to rain. By the time I got back to his place it was literally raining cats and dogs. Parking the car in the yard, I ran through the pouring rain to his back door. There I was surprised to find his dog , dragging his chain and scratching at the door. I let him in, a big white long haired thing. Sopping wet. Fred had company that night, it was late and they'd gone to bed. I said goodnight to the dog and retired up the secret stairway to bed. Awake the next morning, I gathered my things and made my way down the stairs. As I opened the door at the foot of the stairs I found Fred. And the dog. Fred looked at me, then looked at Rover. Rover looked at the both of us while wagging his tail. Fred had a bemused look on his face and wasn't wagging his. Fred then says "You didn't tell me you brought your dog along!" I responded with "Ain't my dog". Rover just sat there and grinned. Sure wish I could have seen the look on their faces when , after I had tiptoed up those steps, sopping wet rover had pushed open the door, took a flying leap into bed with them. Now, when we happen to meet, our standard greeting is "How's your dog?" =
  15. Tom, Was just looking at the for sale ads in the current Buick Bugle. Here is one for comparison. 1923 Buick Model 44 Roadster (2 seat): Amazing automobile in phenomenal condition. Everything works and runs very well. Rebuilt engine, new tires, redone wheels, new top, running boards. Have original side curtains, extensive history. Repaint in 1949 $24,900. 509-925-2532, 733lee@fairpoint.net
  16. Tom, as others have said the pics are too small for me to give you some meaningful advice since I cannot see the details, and the devil is in the details. It looks good in pic, but what does it look like in real life. Does it run and drive well? It does look that it is a restored car that was set up to run on the road. Not a trailer queen. As others have said, they drive like a truck and you have to be prepared to give it your full attention. At least you have four wheel brakes, my 23 has only two and you really have to plan and anticipate stopping times and distances, those skinny tires don't help much either. I really would want to look at the car to see what its wants are. For example, if it needs new tires, you will spend almost $2000 to get five on the car. Engine, clutch, and transmission work is expensive also. Some mechanical parts are available, but you will have to "look for" almost everything. So a complete car is a must. If the current owner are thinking $30K plus then it must be a 400 point car or close to it. I don't see it in the pics. I am thinking $20 to 24K. Is the interior in good shape and all in leather? Lots of cars were changed to vinyl over the years especially in the 60/70s restorations. The pleats in the seats look too large in width especially when compared to my 23. How is the top? At new top minus side curtains will set you back $6,000 or so. There are no kits for interiors, everything has to be made, to do just my rear seat and side panels was $2000. Anyway, good luck on getting the car. Let us know what you decide. As Larry has said, he and I are reasonable close to you and could make a day trip to come up if you need us. I am in norther VA, about 60 miles west of DC. Here are some pics of my 23 McLaughlin Buick just coming back from David Coco's shop (trimacar on this forum) two years ago.
  17. Chris, they were on the car when when we bought it. We have Masonic emblems on the radiator cap, radiator and light bar. History has it that the fraternal organization was formed in London around 1717. Here is some history from the WWW. History of Freemasonry Since our car was from England, it would not have been unusual to have these on a 20's car. Oh, and I have read that most of our founding fathers were Masons.
  18. It is Thursday, November 1st, PM. Ever since I bought the 1923 McLaughlin Buick the MotoMeter temperature gauge on the radiator did not work. The red fluid was all the way to the top of the gauge. So it is useless. But never needed it as the McLaughlin has a factory installed temperature gauge on the dash. It did not work either, but had it restored. The most expensive restoration of a little gauge I ever had done. It was $670. Still hurts. But Bernie (Oldcar) on this forum had a similar gauge problem on the 1921 Packard that he is restoring. He posted how he fixed it so I decided to give it a try. Well, the first attempts were failures. It was only when he told me to pound the gauge on a tire that the fluid started to move down to the bulb. I must have hit it on the tire over a hundred times. But after several more heating, cooling and pounding cycles all the fluid went back to where it belongs. Success. Here are a couple of before and after pics.
  19. All, Greg Cone is trying to find out the status of Fred Hoch. He is located in NJ. If you know anything just let Greg know. His email is below. TX John From: gregcone@msn.comTo: unimogjohn@aol.com Subject: RE: How did you make out in the storm Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 12:17:41 -0400 John, I've been trying to find out about a friend of mine in Jersey. I guess all the land lines are down and I don't have a cell number for him . Cant' even find a phone number for anybody who'd know him. Perhaps you could post an inquiry on the AACA general for any information concerning the well being of Fred Hoch and the crew at Schaeffer&Long Restoration. The shop is at Maple Shade, but Fred's home is closer the shore. His friends are concerned. GREG.
  20. Bernie, it works! Thanks for the "thumping" trick. Hit it about a hundred times on the spare tire and finally the stuff started to move from the bottom to the top. After a couple of heating, cooling, thumping cycles it all came back down. Works great. Here are a couple of before and after pics. Thanks for all the help.
  21. Bernie, Oh, forgot about the bump thing. Will do that tomorrow and report. David, yes, thankfully I have a very understand wife. Last week I ran parts in the dishwasher before painting. Worked great, but please don't tell on me. I do not want to press my luck.
  22. Bernie, I tried the old put the Motometer in boiling water and then submerge in cold water. Did this about ten times. Nothing. The red stuff is still all the way at the top. The wife needs to make dinner and wants her stove back so I am done for the day. Will try again tomorrow. I thought I better report in. I am trying.
  23. It is Monday, October 30th, PM. Just got in a before "Sandy" storm report from Greg. I spent the day inside getting the pellet stove ready for winter. Oh, and the power came back on at 5 PM. The generator ran for 30 hours. Here is Greg's report. "Sandy aftermath. A day off. Yesterday day job got another check mark on the Wright 8-60 list. Worked out the gear train and magneto mounting. Sometimes when you just let things sit, answers to questions can appear. Without a clear photo showing how they mounted the idler gear, I decided that simple is best. Complicated just not the Wright's style. Copying the idler mounting stud from the 6-60 and with slight modification to length, things fell into place. An extended the magneto mounting plate lined up perfectly with the idler stud's threads. With the impending Sandy storm on the way, I knocked off to warm some supper. Storm was to hit at 6pm. When the bell rang on my microwaved rice, the lights also went out 5:57pm. Good timing on everybody's part. Spent the evening in the apartment with a book and a flashlight. Bundled up and went to bed. The wind howled aloft, but the nearby mountain spared us. No damage to speak of, hardly a campaign sign out of place. I can fortell the future in some cases, (like knowing when you have a screw stuck in something held in the palm of one hand and a straight bladed screwdriver in the other.... it's going to hurt) but knowing when the power company will come through ain't one of them. Not wanting to spend the day without heat, I crossed the ridge to the Shenandoah Valley to check on Barb and my Mother. Flooding was the major problem over there. Now, back at the ranch I find that the power was restored just as I was leaving this morning. So Sandy just cost me a day's pay. That's the cheapest anyone got off with." =
  24. Keith, as I remember the switch and transmission were not locked. I do not remember seeing a key. I looked back at the pics that Larry and I took. There was no key in the ignition/combination switch. Remember, the key is used to move a mechanical arm to stop the switch lever from being moved, hence locking it from moving to the start or on position. Hope this helps. John
  25. It is Monday, October 29th, AM. Weather report. Think I will post a few reports on the weather here at the farm. I will keep it just in this post and will update by editing. All the old cars are put away and are safe. Monday 7 AM. Storm just started. Low level winds this morning and rain. Received over 1/2 inch last night. Worst of the storm is to be overnight and into Tuesday. Predicting now up to 10 inches of rain and snow in the mountains up to 2 feet. Storm is 1,000 miles wide. Still 400 miles off the coast of VA. Pics are of storm from space and NYC deserted station and cancelled flights. Monday 2 PM. Power went off at 1 PM. Rain is coming down like gangbusters. Now have over 1.5 inches since last night. Wind is really picking up. I would say 20 to 25 mph with gusts to about 35 or 40. The house creaks when hit with a gust. Generator is working great. I got a note asking how big it is, it is a 20 KW Generac. Our broadband service provider is on the same electrical grid as us so I am sure that he is on backup battery power so may be knocked off at any time. We have dial-up, but the phone system is on a generator also at our hub down the road. It only lasts for a few hours. Then we will be in the dark so to speak. No cell phone service where we are at either. Such is life living in the country, even in Virginia. Alice just tried to use the land line phone, dead. At least we are not sitting in the dark. Monday 6 PM. Power came back on at 5:30 PM, been flickering since then. Phone is back on. The rain has let up just a bit, not a down pour now. But the wind is howling and the trees are bent over. Never have seen it this bad, and more wind is on the way, up to 70 mph in our area. Went out to feed the barn cats, they are not happy with all the noise and ruckus. Worst is still to come. And 40 miles away it is SNOWING! Up to two feet and more. We might get a dusting tomorrow AM. Monday almost 9 PM. Going to pack it in for the night. Power stayed on for about 30 minutes and went out again. I figured that it would not last long as the wind was really picking up. Right now is is pitch black outside, and we are listening to the wind gusting at over 55 mph. You can hear it gusting and passing through the trees with a shreek and a whistle. Sounds really scary outside. When we get a big gust you can hear the roof shingles lift in a row. I hope that we do not see a lot of damage in the morning. Never in 66 years have I been in this kind of a windy situation. The sound reminds me of those old sea going movies of masted schooners crashing through the waves and winds of an angry and boiling sea. Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Oh, they say over 2 million people are without power. By morning I bet that will be at least tripled. Tuesday, 6:30 AM. Last night was a wild one. You could hear, but not see what was going on. Pitch black outside. Now this morning it is still raining. I can see the rain gauge, and it says 4.5 inches. Still raining now. Power is still off, generator just humming along. Will have to wait for a couple of hours before we can venture outside and actually see something. We still have broadband for the Internet so I am thankful for that. Watching the early news reports from NY and NJ, fires and floods, and no power for over 9 million folks. And snow, lots of it all over the place too in WV. Ugly. More later. Tuesday, 10 AM. Power still out. Checked on the critters and walked the fence line. Everything looks OK, lots of debris as you would expect. The house and roof are fine too. Thankful of no damage. Feel very bad for the folks in NY and every where else. Watching CNN. Just too sad. This is the final weather report.
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