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Dandy Dave

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Posts posted by Dandy Dave

  1. No power brakes on this Super. Inside the door. Looks like the window cylinder in this door at least has been replaces at some point but quite a while ago as it has plastic coated wire. Some rust is visible. The power window switch unit on the drivers door with the wires attached.  The original harness that runs though the door to the cylinder is original cloth.





  2. 195354, Thanks for the info and the offer. Keep checking this post. Just focusing on getting the old wiring harness out. I was inside the drivers door yesterday. Looks like the cylinders have been replaced as well as much of the hydraulic lines running to them. The wiring harness is still mostly original and definitely needs replacing. Found some wires that have been burnt and hot from a short somewhere in the circuit. After removing the access cover. Note, no fuse in the holder for the dome light. No surprise there as the wires going to it were really bad.  





  3. You could see the Jet trails above our family farm that was in Hillsdale NY. They were coming from the east and turned sharp to head south above the farm. The trails lingered for quite a while. 

  4. 4 hours ago, wayne sheldon said:

    It is a big project! I hope you are up for the challenge. Rust is a big problem with these, but can be repaired in several ways. Each area will need to be individually assessed and a plan made for repair. 

    A lot of people will tell you it can't be done. I won't say that. Some of us enjoy the challenge! There is a special satisfaction for every piece that you bring back from the brink! I have restored a few cars that others told me could not be restored.

    Don't think it will be easy, or quick. 

    First, clean it up! Take lots and lots of photos, closeups of every original thing before taking anything apart, and while taking it apart. Then decide whether to tackle the body work or the mechanical work. Don't try to do everything at once. However, along the way, an occasional detour to another area for small projects can break the monotony of not seeing progress.

    Make a list of items you need to replace. The bumpers look like you should try to get better ones. Hubcaps, interior trim, any other things you should be looking for all along.


    A good way to approach projects like this is to commit to at least one hour per day working on the car! Even if just a little thing each day, it keeps adding up. Take it like some "me time", a break from regular work and daily stresses. It works! The quickest way to end progress is to stop doing that daily one hour. First thing you know, it has been a week. Then a month. Then years. 


    Good luck! And I am sure a lot of people on here would like to follow a restoration thread under the "Our Projects" headings.

    What Wayne said. ☝️ Neat car. See if you can get it to run and drive before tearing it apart. It may be fun to take to a show that is capable of driving on and around the show field. It will sure turn a lot of heads.

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  5. 11 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

    Well, it's unlikely we will ever have a 400 point judged event locally anyhow.  It is still a beauty!  

    Agreed! 😃 It is very very presentable and would stand out at a local event. I can see it winning some trophy's locally. Also it would be a great tour car once sorted. That's where the most fun is in my opinion. Now back to work.

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  6. 6 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

    I knew some things had been changed but I did not know the full extent of the changes. I'd leave the new top set up alone too, unless the owner specified a restoration.  

    Looking at this car it will never be a 400 point show car JD. I'm going to do what I can to make it a reliable and fun driver. I'm pretty sure that is what he wants. First point car problem is there is no build tag. It is missing. Other things that have been changed and modified are numerous. I'm finding much of the electrical stuff has corrosion as I'm moving on with removing the old and crusty wires in the front of the car part of today. 

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  7. More. One top cylinder that was replaced. No original Top Switch that I see. Here's the switch that was added at some point with the wires running to the pump in the trunk. It is on the right under the dash next to the glove box. My initial thought is to leave this replaced unit in place. As along as it works why replace it? I do not see an original top switch anywhere.




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  8. While removing the carpet to get old ratty wiring harness out I noticed that it seemed to be oil soaked. I believe I found the leak. Also someone at some point put a top motor in the trunk. I notice the original is still on the right side under the hood. More adventures to come. Did the Buick Super this year have Custom Road Master Built kick plates?




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  9. After a very busy summer around the farm here I'm finally getting around getting into the nuts and bolts of this car. I have started by removing the rear parts of the wiring harness. Separating the wires and marking where everything goes as Rhode Island wiring did not have the back half of this harness in their records for this particular model. When I get done they will.





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  10. 5 minutes ago, R Walling said:

     Please be careful with your descriptions, please, Some of us are vintage and some of us are antique.

    Take care not to insult one of us with the wrong term.



    I'm Both. Mostly Crochety. 😜

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