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ice man

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Everything posted by ice man

  1. The wife and I will be heading out Thursday morning in my 67 GS-340. Always wanted to attend this show, but never seemed to be able to work it in. Looking forward to what I hear is a "GREAT SHOW" ! Tom & Donna Gestwick
  2. Since I have already purchased an Interstate battery, I'll have to file your recommendation in my memory banks and if the interstate doesn't perform well, then I'll try a Duralast. Thanks Tom
  3. Ron: Glad to hear you've had good luck with your gel battery from Antique Battery. It's something I'll remember for future use. Since I had already purchased the topper so I could use it to locate a battery to fit, and purchased that, I decided to keep what I had. Today I fabricated a duplicate hold down clamp and made it to fit the topper without the issue of the original clamp being to tight on the plastic. Coated it with truck bed liner spray and you can't tell it from the original. Down the road I'll probably opt for the gel one from Antique Battery and put this set-up in my other GS. I'm attending the Arthritis Foundation show next week and needed a battery NOW. Just not enough time to pull it all together. I'd like to thank everyone for their input in this matter. Tom
  4. Your absolutely right,I never gave that a thought! I was able to purchase a topper locally and found an Interstate battery that would accept the top and fit halfway decent, but hadn't yet installed them in the car. I just went and tried the hold down over the topper and just as you said it's too big. I think I can force it over without damaging or cracking the topper, but I may have to modify the hold down bracket. Tom
  5. Mark: Using a battery topper did cross my mind, but I've never physically seen one to convince me to go that route. Maybe there sooo good that I've seen them in cars at shows and never realized what I was looking at. Hum, Would save me some money though. Thank's Tom
  6. I've had an OEM reproduction of an R-59 battery for 7 years. I believe it was manufactured by the now defunked New Castle Battery. This winter I put it on a battery tender which was suppose to shut off when fully charged. Upon my return home from wintering in Florida I found that all the electrolite was boiled out, and the battery was toast. It appears there is no longer a distributor of such batteries in my local area, and was told Antique Battery out of Hudson Ohio was the only source. I called them and found out that they make an AMG maintainance free unit ( which would be a plus as far as corrosion is concerned) for a pricey $250.00. Has anyone out there had any dealings with this company and if so the pro's and con's please. I'm willing to go the cost if they make a quality product and I can expect the service I received from my previous battery. Thank's Tom
  7. Ok, I wasn't going to post my 2 cents because of all the flack I'd receive from animal activists and the like, but here goes. Forgot sonic gadgets,unless they've improved over the years, because the industrial units I've tried didn't work. Forget Decon, that's like food, the critters have become immune to it. Yea, smelly oils do deter them, but for how long. I've had excellent results with the following. Buy the cheapest dry cat food you can find( dollar store) mix with your old antifreeze, which everyone has and allow to sit a few days to absorb into the cat food. Mix periodically to allow everything to blend. Place in aluminum trays and place in various places around your garage, barn, cellar, etc. You may have to replace some as it gets eaten, but soon the trays will no longer need filling, as there will be no more vermin to eat it. Mind you, if you have pets etc. be very careful as they will eat it and suffer the same results. I've used this for several years now and have no damage or intrudence into any of my vehicles. I even got rid of a family of skunks that took up residence in the creek bed next to my house with this mixture. Yes I still put a few traps with peanut butter around just in case, and have gotten a stray mouse or mole, but this stuff works. I'm not sure where they go to die, but from what I can see it's not in any of my vehicles or in my buildings. In fact today I happened to check my sump pump in the basement, and found two old whatever's floating in the pit. I have an old field stone foundation and the mice and moles find it easy access into the house. I place trays of this around the basement an haven't had a problem with vermin in the walls, etc. This mixture may have them seek water, which is why I find them in the water pit. I'm sure someone will find fault with this, but for me it's cheap and VERY effective Tom
  8. Try Neatsfoot Oil. I use to do some leather tanning back in the day and this is what was used to condition and soften leather hides. You'll have to work at it, but I think it may do the trick. I think you'll find it in a good hardware store or a farm store. Good luck
  9. From what I see in the pictures, only the air cleaner is correct. Without a vin number one can only guess. The seats appear incorrect and what's that console thing on the seats?Engine color isn't right, so what engine is in it, and the outside color appears to be blue. The whole car has been repainted a different color than the 2 original colors a 340 came in. The vin # will clear some of it's problems up. Tom
  10. In case anyone may be interested, there is a maroon '89 coupe with gold pinstriping, and a maroon interior. No sun roof, or 16 way seats. It's a one owner car with 55,124 miles. Overall it looks quite nice although I couldn,t see the engine compartment. All the door rubbers seem to be in excellent condition. From what the sign said it has seen no winter use, and from what I could tell there was minimal rust underneath. The bill of sale showed it was sold by Lammert's (?) in Niagara Falls, N.Y. I believe I've seen this same car for sale several times previous over the last 5 years, if that means anything. The asking price was $5500 OBO and the phone number listed was (716) 861- 1365. The car is located in Hamburg N.Y. about 25 miles south of Buffalo. I'm only the messenger, and don't know the owner. Tom
  11. I am sure the National Meet committee did their research in selecting the Crowne Plaza as the site for the 2011 National. But I also know from experience, that when one corporation takes over another, things don't always remain the same. Sometimes it's for the worse, other times it's for the better. I don't ware rose colored glasses, and I do read reviews, whether it's for buying a car, furniture, insurance, or whatever. Sure some people are negative all the time, but I don't think the majority are. People on this site are always asking the opinions of others on a variety of subjects. Is mine any different? All I intended to ask is if anyone from either the host chapter or the national committee could address my concerns of what I am reading and regarding what to expect on my arrival? Tom
  12. I have reservations for the national meet in Danvers, but now I'm wondering if I REALLY WANT TO STAY at the CoCo Key/ Crown Plaza Resort. Just for giggles I looked up the CoCo Key to see what else I may be entitled to ( contentinal breakfast, complementry whatever,) What I found was an astonishing blackballing of the whole resort as a whole. 90% of feedback from people who have visited the site, wouldn,t recommend it to family or friends. Dirty, bug infested rooms, filthy water conditions, expensive food, only to list a few. A one star resort at a five star price. Has our meet committee really done their research? I'm really considering cancelling my reservations and either booking some place else or scratching the whole show all together. My wife and I went to the last national meet the Minuteman chapter held at the Crown Plaza and had a wonderful time and everything was satisfactory. Has a takeover by a larger hotel chain caused a lack of responsibility to it's customers? What are the thoughts of others of you out there.? Can anyone frome the BCA or the Minuteman Chapter offer some guidence into this issue? It's hard enough to get people to come to an event like this considering the costs imposed on everyone, but when you read reviews like the ones I read, You've really got to step back and say to yourself, " Am I really getting the best bang for my buck"? Can anyone out there shed some light on this issue?? Tom
  13. It was great meeting you and Padgett at last years Silver Springs show, but I must admit, it was one of the most UNORGINIZED shows I've ever attended. Maybe I'm just use to the way shows are operated here in the north. After creeping along in line and being told that a bunch of Reattas were there, and the staff would direct me to the other Reattas, I reached the staff member and was directed out in left field, totally away from where you guy's were and in the midst of every imaginable vehicle ever produced. After parking, you guy's were only a hundred feet away from where this particular staff member was. The show was peer judged, and every entry was asked to register in a particular class, but everyone was parked helter skelter throught the park. I actually thru out my judging form because every time I turned around I found another car in the class I was suppose to judge somewhere around the park and by then couldn't rember one car from another. The awards seemed to favor those individulals who purchased parts from National Parts Depot, or were recognized individuals from previous years shows. I also felt the park had a lot to be desired. I visited Silver Springs Park several years previously, and what I experienced that particular day was very dissapointing. Other than the glass bottom boats, everything else was shut down. I believe Silver Springs is taking the same route as the "First Theme park" Cyprus gardens. I'll miss seeing you guy's and hope we can stay in touch, but I don't think we'll be attending that show in the near future. My wife and I will be back in Florida sometime in October and maybe we can hook-up at another car show or cruise. If problems arise with our '90 you can be sure i'll be calling one of you guy's. Tom
  14. Thank's Ronnie, but I went to my daughters and printed it out. It's now in the mail. The only problem I encountered was what class to register in? Since the Reatta was on a V platform, I checked the "other" box, as no other class fit the bill. If I'm wrong let me know, and I'll have it changed when I get there. Looking forward to meeting you there. Tom
  15. An old time trick I used on V belts was apply a little brake fluid to the belt. Worked everytime on industrial and commercial belt driven equipment.
  16. Sounds like it could be fun. We'll have the '90 coupe down there by then and Ocala is about an hour or so north, so right now it looks duable. Now if only I can pre register? It seems internet explorer has problems and won't link me to the registration form. How many cars have there been in past years and is there a fee the day of show? Just in case my computer won't let me pre-register. Tom
  17. My wife and I would like to take this time to thank all the members of the Central Ohio Chapter for putting on a wonderful Regional meet in Dublin, Oh. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones during our 3 day stay. The weather was absolutely perfect. If only every event that is held could be guaranteed such weather, all shows would be a sell-out for sure. And the cars (well over 100 ) were as spactatular as ever too. Thank's again for a job well done. Tom
  18. Craftsman sells a newfangled type of bolt removers that are suppose to remove rusted away and stripped out hex heads. Could those things work on lug nuts??? Tom
  19. The wife and I will be bringing one of our GS-340's and the way it looks it's going to be a great weekend for all. Looking forward to seeing many of the friends we've made over the years and meeting new ones. Tom
  20. ice man

    want to buy

    I replaced mine a couple of months ago and picked up a new one at Advance Auto. I don't remember the exact cost but not all that expensive. Tom
  21. ice man


    DSHIP: I checked out the web site you furnished and that material appears to be another permanent application. I'm seeking something that will be in use for a few days and then removed. Thank's anyway. Tom
  22. ice man


    I contacted Tom Walker today. I was told that they only sell wholesale and if I found someone who could buy it wholesale, the minium order would be about $1,000. They make over 350 different types of plastic sheet material and each has it's own specific adheasive base dependant upon the surface being covered. He did say they make the white material that is put on new vehicles for protection, and that it could be reused if not contaminated after removal. It looks like I'll be visiting the local dealership and see if they could save me a few pieces. Other than that I guess I'll trailer the Reatta to Florida and buy a bottle of touch-up after I arrive. I didn't think it would be this big a deal! Tom
  23. ice man


    Thank you very much Jim, I'll try the phone number you supplied and see if I can make contact with someone. Tom
  24. ice man

    car wrap?

    Jim: So what is the stuff you used and where did you get it? Tom
  25. Hope your report on the car and your appointment at the VA are both on a positive note. Tom
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