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Posts posted by Gary_N

  1. OK, I have a curiosity question: Are there any Maryland Buick Heads out there on this forum? I always thought it would be nice to be near people that are equal Buick fanatics. Seems like the ones that I know are either in Georgia or California. I know we have a chapter in Baltimore. Actually I just joined that one. Anyway, let me know who you are and where you are.



  2. Steve:

    I'm missing the passenger side trim piece from the "b" pillar (if there was one) to the base of the wheel. Or better said,from the door to the fender well. All the other trim on Dorothy is bend and dinged, but should be repairable, I guess. I'd be interested in all that you have.

    Now, as far as the resto, I have to keep her basically stock. I went through the add a 401, rear, etc, etc, But that's getting crazy. I want to save that craziness for my '50. By the way Lamar, can you get a price on the '50 Roadie in FLA? Yes, I do want a leather interior. But we'll see when I start adding up the expenditures.

    I did get the radiator out yesterday. I put a bucket under the drain valve thinking coolant would come rushing out. Instead, all I got was dust and rust. The bottom end of the radiator is rusted out as well. I'm getting worried about the inside of that 322.

    And Lamar, if I could find a running '56 with trans, I'd take it. But, it would have to be near by. Maybe I'll put a wanted ad out there.


  3. Bill: That's funny and so true. I hate the whole idea of getting info from someone that's 12,000 miles away and has no idea what I'm talking about! Anyway, I bought a portable GPS from Amazon for $275, which was $300 cheaper than the local electronics store. Love it and I never get lost. I've been trying to convince Mr. E that he should get one. One day away from eBay ought to pay the cost!


  4. JD: This seems like an easier deal. Frankie is excellent from the firewall back and Dorothy has good fenders, decent inner fenders and splash pan sheet metal, and hood. Driver's inner fender has the usual rusted out battery box, but overall, this is a whole lot better that trying to straighten out the rear of Dorothy, which was hit on both sides. All I had was rusty rear quarters for that job. Now if I had Mr. Beck's skills, I might not have worried so much.

    The big deal is swapping out all of the "Roadmaster" things from Dorothy to Frankie and finding some missing trim pieces, which seems like the hardest thing to do.

    And of course, there's getting everything to go back together and line up. All those things that I'm learning as I go. Which means, somewhere is a couple of years I should be ready to paint!


  5. Hey Lamar:

    I guess this means you made it home from NJ without a problem. Can't wait to hear what your Georgia mechanic has to say about the brakes on the truck.

    Frankie is resting comfortably in the garage while I make room for the numerous '54 fenders, inner fenders, hoods, doors and all the rest of the parts I've acquired from you. Good thing I've been taking lots of pictures.

    BJM: Trailering is safe and fun in a scary sort of way. And don't forget, Mr. Earl never sleeps, so many '54's, so little time. He's alway hauling stuff around. Normal guys might have 1 trailer issue in their life. OK, I've had three, but aside from that it's safe. Just stay off the Washington Beltway...


  6. Well, thanks to Me. E, I've got another parts car and this one is better than Dorothy, the project '54. This is great news sine it saves me a bunch of body work, which ain't my specialty. Anyway, check out www.wrenchhappy.com and click my blog for some pics, that is if you have any interest.

    Thanks for bringing "Frankie" up Lamar. He seems happy at the moment!


  7. Thanks for the advice. I think at this point I'm going to start replacing everything. After almost 60 years, it seems like a good idea.

    The old wheel cylinders had a big pock mark inside, like it was rusting. Since brake fluid holds moisture, I guess that's possible. I used to marvel at how good the brakes felt. Then one day they just went away.

    By the way, I cannot seem to use a normal brake spring tool to get the shoe springs onto the stud. Seems like there must be a different shaped spring tool for that. Am I crazy??


  8. I've taken both rear drums off, cleaned up the place, installed new wheel cylinders, springs, retainers and the like. Shoes were OK. I also lubed the flat spots where the shoes rub on the backing plates. There were no leaks when I took it apart. Re assembled and bled the system. Still have the left rear locking up. Feels like it sticks. The brakes were great for the longest time and now this issue. Any ideas?



  9. I guess I should look the entire car over before posting messages. Didn't realize the door post had the VIN. Anyway, mine is 6190423. I most likely answered all of my questions.



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