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Posts posted by Gary_N

  1. I'm doing my part. I drive the '64 and '50 all of the time. Too bad the other ones are just sitting and rusting away. I hope I can change that soon. Actually, I get lots of compliments from young people, like young as in under 18, when I take the Electra out. It's always something like cool car. Equally too from both genders. One kid about 14 came over and made me give him a high five because of the car. Funny, most of the old people don't even notice. The '50 gets more older looks.

    One day I was at the gas station and two Asian guys (maybe mid 20's) came over to look at the car. They were most likely Korean. They asked if they could look inside and then said in broken English, "Oh...look how old fashion".

    Well, I just never thought of that car as old fashion. But then I guess Antique means old fashion. Personally, I don't find anything old fashion about it. Timeless is a better word. It's have more style than most newer cars in my opinion. Really, not many cars are cooler today than say a '65 Riv! Geesh, I wish I had one!!


  2. Ina:

    You have my favorite Buick. I never understood why Buick only made that Dashboard for one year only. I think it's beautiful!

    Just a note on brakes: My '50 brakes (when they are properly set up) work great. I have always been amazed at how well they stop my car. Like Tony, having raced, I have an appreciation for being able to stop!

    As far as steering, well your going to be best off keeping it stock. After the car gets rolling, it's fairly easy to steer. Parking is a pain though. I've been looking into this for some time and there would be a great deal of work to try to change over to some kind of power steering set up.

    Just my opinion, but there are some cars that need to be stock. Now, I have plans to modify some cars, but the '49 Buick is one I would leave stock.

    Happy New Year!


  3. Rusty:

    What supercharger are you going to use? Have you heard of Uncommon Engineering? They do all manner of engine builds like turbo straight 8's, etc. VERY expensive, but some cool stuff.


  4. OK, maybe I'm a late on this info, but the latest Hemmings Classic Car mag indicates that it will basically be illegal for us to paint our cars by 2011. I'm not sure if anyone is working to organize a challenge to this new rule, but as I understand, you will not be able to buy automotive paint without a license or paint outside of a very expensive paint booth. Does anyone know about this and any organized endeavor to challenge the rule?


  5. Greg:

    You've hit the nail on the head! Now, I'm all for going fast. And, it's always a tug of war between modify or restore. Both have their place. If you want to really get "upset", watch some of the tuner shows. Now, you need 12 TV's in your car. And your car is a 4 door Honda. This just doesn't work for me at 59. Well, the young girls are nice to look at even though most of them don't have a clue. You're right about Stacy David. Lately some of his shows are back on and good to watch.

    I really don't understand why you have to have a reality show about building cars. The work that goes into them is what's interesting, not watching people fight over a fender.

    Ah well...there are a lot of us out there that share the same feeling on this topic. The question is will there be anyone in 20 years that sees our cars as we do??

    Merry Christmas!


  6. Reading this one with great interest. I'm modifying a '54 Roadmaster in great need at the moment. I see where a lot of this post may not apply to me, but my plan was to upgrade to a 401 and mount it too a T400 that I recently picked up. I was under the impression that I would only need a crank adapter (which I have), flexplate and starter to get this trans connected to a pre-'64 motor. Aside from the issues of getting the whole thing connected to a rear end, etc., are there engine balancing issues that will come into play?



  7. Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. Having built a race car, I can see why this thing is so expensive. I just love the idea of a '54 Buick race car. Would love to have one to run on my local road course. But then, I don't have 50 bigs ones sitting around for race cars anymore. Been trying to sell a C5 Race car for a while. Now I want to keep it! Every time I watch your vids, I want to go racing again! Thanks! Gary

  8. Well, I'm confused but here's what I have:

    Cylinder Heads for a '55 - 1391947 (But this could be a part number since my master pars book shows '55 and '56 heads having a part number of 1392351.???

    The number that you have shows in my book as part numbers for a '55 2 Barrel Manifold (numbers start at 1165308).

    Sorry to muddy up the place. Thought I was helping.


  9. Not sure if this is correct, but if I read my book correctly:

    Part or Casting Number:

    1955 - 322 1392101 Dynaflow to engine no. 1145218, series 40

    1955 - 322 1392290 Dynaflow after engine no. 1145218, series 40

    1955 - 322 1392102 Manual to engine no. 1142556, series 40

    1955 - 322 1392291 Manual after engine no. 1142556, series 40

    1955 - 322 1392101 Dynaflo to engine no. 1058464 and no. 1058494 and to no. 1058504, and manual to no. 1063628 series 50/60/70.

    1955 - 322 1392292 Dynaflow to engine no. 1058494 and after no. 1058504 (series 50/60/70) and manual after no. 1063628 series 50 and 60

    Hope I copied this right and it wasn't a waste of time 'cause it tool me three times to get it right.


  10. There's a guy in the Buffalo area, Carmen Faso, who seems to be a real authority when it comes to Buick's, performance and stock. I was just at his shop buying a T400 Transmission. He has most likely everything you'll ever need and the Buick engine knowledge to do it all. And, his prices seem very reasonable. He's not online. It's a low tech phone call kind of thing and he's also very low key. I'm going to be doing a 401 soon and I will be getting most everything from him. Email me at gnoub51@gmail.com, if you'd like any more info and contact details. Gary

  11. Well, I hate to do it, but I'm going to need some room in the garage, so, I'm thinking about selling my 1950 Model 43 Jetback sedan. Before I hit the ebay trail, I thought I'd see if anyone here has an interest. Price will be around $5,000. You can see some pics of the car in my gallery. Email me if you have an interest. gnoub51@gmail.com. Thanks! Gary

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