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Posts posted by Gary_N

  1. As usual, good advice to heed. The problem for me at the moment is space. I have three '54's here and one has to go, that one being the first parts car, which is not yielding much in the way of parts, and just taking up space. But, he's outside on the trailer for the neighbors to see, kinda. The garage is full and I have not really stripped everything. But I do want to get the engine out of Dorothy and let is sit on the stand if need be. I had been planning to get Frankie off the frame since the body is for the most part excellent. I also want to do the same with Dorothy. At that point I could figure out which frame to use. Then move Dorothy out of the way on a cart, and leave the balance of stuff to take off later. With Frankie on a body cart as well, I could then make one good chassis out of two.

    My Brother offered to send me a running 401 out of one of his cars. So, I can't say no. Still not sure what do, but, if someone is going to give you a perfectly good nailhead, your supposed to accept, correct?

    And, I can't believe you guys are restoring road graders and tanks. Makes me feel like I'm working on a tinker toy!!!


  2. JD:

    Dorothy is a mud bog. And, and a home for all manner of life. I found dog size business in the carb alone. I've finally gotten used to this, but it took awhile. Anyway, the body is basically very sound, but the rear quarters were hit hard. Mr. E. found Frankie, which is a very nice '54 Super. The body is very straight and with no rust. Only the floors need some work. But, Frankie is a Super and missing the front end sheet metal, the entire interior, and the motor. So, Dorothy, the Roadmaster, is going to donate front fenders and wells, which have been preserved quite nicely with Kansas mud, and some other Roadmaster things like interior parts, dash, etc.

    I've been trying to figure out how to proceed with other things. Today my radiator guy said $1,000 to do the radiator. Frankie needs Dorothy's steering since he's not power. And, there's a whole host of other things to thing about, like....should I be a real purist here, or maybe do some mods like say.... a '56 motor and trans, etc. Then what about a/c??? So, for the moment, Dorothy is providing sheet metal and interior. The mechanicals remain to be seen.

    And, my check book hurts!


  3. Well, that makes sense. I'm going the dunked route anyway. I've heard too many horror stories about what it can do to paint jobs, and besides, I could buy lot's of stuff with the thousands I'd save by scraping, a little blasting, and some help from Mr. E!

  4. Albert: Is that like Port Colborne? Wow, I spent every Sunday in the summer at Sherkston (this was back in the middle '60's). And, I was born in Brantford. Yep, me and Wayne!

    Anyway, where would one find one of these industrial jack hammer compressors? Can there be that many around? Was it an expensive undertaking?



  5. I keep thinking about that 401, but then the issues seem to mount going that route. Tonight I was working on getting the column out since Frankie does not have power steering. I love the manual..."clean the unit with solvent first before removing". How about "clean off the caked on mud, bees nest, rodent droppings and misc yuk first". Two hours later and I can finally see the heads of the bolts. Anyway, the column is so close to the the exhaust now it's a wonder the fluid doesn't boil. So, is a 401 the same exterior dimensions? Then what about the power steering, exhaust, rear end, and on and on and on.....so....I'm still in the stock mode. By the way, not not only have I been offered a 401 for free, an earlier email today has revealed a '56 322 with my name on, again for free. I must be getting popular. Well, you get what you pay for, correct??

    By the way, is there anything on a Buick that is not HEAVY?


  6. I was just at the coolest radiator shop. I mean this one was a one man; in the basement of a building; old radiators everywhere; and old equipment kind of place. I mean stuff you just don't seem to see anymore. He took my order on a desk blotter. And he was working on all kinds of old ones while smoking Camels. So, I think this was a good find.

    Anyway, there was a spot on the top of the radiator that looked a little too rusty to him. So, we walked out into the parking lot where he had a small shed and a portable blaster with media that looked like black sand. I think this was a portable pressure kind of blaster. I was amazed at how nice of a job it did. Although I think it would take long time to do a sizable part. It wasn't very big either. I think I'll have to try one out.

    And speaking of seam sealer -- don't I want to get the old stuff off? Or is this really asking for trouble.


  7. Dyna:

    Love London!! Should you be near Harrods, and should you be interested in a very nice little Italian meal at a reasonable price, try 13 1/2, located at 13 1/2 Beauchamp Place. I've eaten there a number of times since the early 80's (last time in 2000). The restaurant has been there for at least 30 years, and by your standards, it's still "new". Hope it's the same owner. Of course, you may already know about this one!!

    For me, $4,000 is a bit much for stripping the car. I think I'll have to stick to the Lamar/small portable blaster/do it by hand routine. At least until it seems to be taking forever or my back finally gives out!!


  8. Well, Mr. E. does good work. My back is hurting looking at that work, but it sure is shiny. I've heard very good things about soda blasting -- not being very abrasive; not causing fast rust flash; and not producing enough heat to warp panels.

    Lamar, that Northern Tool may get a home soon!

    Dyna: How long do you have to keep the parts in the sodium carbonate solution? It's a matter of days is it not? Also, where are you located in the UK? The scariest experience I had behind the wheel was driving in the UK. It's just not right driving on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road. And looking up and left to see out of the rear mirror? Now that takes too way much coordination!!


  9. So, I have two inner fenders, splash pan and numerous other parts that need to be blasted. There's a local place that uses sand and charges $65 per hour. I think there's also a more "sophisticated" blaster in the are that can use soda, and maybe some glass bead/walnut shell media, at or near the same price. The questions is, since these are not body panels, is sand still too abrasive? Are there portable blasting units that actually work? Eastwood advertises a few, just not sure how good they may be. It seems like I'm going to get hit with some big blasting bills soon.....so maybe I should buy something instead....but what do you get that can handle parts that are too big for a cabinet?

    By the way, has anyone tried and succeeded with a bath of sodium carbonate and a 12V negative charge for rust removal?


  10. Derek, I was born in Canada. Does that offer me a "family" discount as it were? Only kidding.....I'm so fickle on this car right now, I think I'll take Rooster's advice and stay on the body and chassis stuff. My Brother has a nice 401 anyway, although in southern California, that I can have for free if I want. Really, I want to keep Dorothy/Frankie stock. I was only thinking of hiding a '56 322 in there, since numbers will not match, and so what anyway, for the extra 55 ponies. But I know how much horsepower can cost since I spent a ton of time and money on a Corvette trying to get more HP. Sometimes, it's just now worth expense. Did I just say that?

    Anyway, the good news is that I've cleaned out the garage and washed away about 9 pounds of Kansas mud and droppings, so I can go about the business of continuing the stripping of parts.

    I was also able to clear out an area in my woods near the garage, so, I can hide all manner of parts that I really don't need but don't want to dump just yet. So, it was a good, though tiring day.


  11. Mr. E: I found a '56 322. But the purest in me has been rearing its head. And, I can buy a 401 for the same price, and both seem expensive at $650, especially since they don't run.

    I did expect rust, but it seems like the only thing passing throw the cooling system is rust and dust. I just wonder what the block looks like. Well, I hope to have that down to the machine shop soon. If the block is OK, and the jackets can be cleaned out, the rest of the stuff can be replaced. On another note, at least nothing was living inside the intake manifold...at least that I can see. Judging by the amount of nests built on the block, I'd say Dorothy hasn't run in many, many, many years.

    Not sure if it spins since I need a bigger socket for the crank pulley. Must be 1 1/4. Sears here I come!


  12. OK, I've been getting excited about pulling the motor. Body panels and such are fine, but I like the engine stuff. The rest of the work is...well.... work. Anyway, I wanted to pull off some of the weight before I go yanking the 322 out. And, I thought I might as well take off the water pump, etc. Anyway, here's what the inside of the water pump and thermostat housing look like. Should I start getting a little worried about this motor? I mean can you say rust!

    Also, this really was just too wierd. I pulled the carb off since I was thinking I would use the engine puller plate that sites on the manifold. (Is this a bad idea?). Anyway, literally, it looked like a dog did his business inside he carb. I mean a cigar size one was sitting in there. Man, I am getting really tired of cleaning out droppings, and now, the larger stuff. This is getting to be like the working for the local septic tank cleaner!




  13. Matt:

    What's up with the '41? You haven't posted in long while. Actually, your site inspired me to take on the challenge. And what a challenge I have.

    Thanks for the info on the blaster. I think I'll get a TP and see what happens. I have so much stuff that needs to get cleaned up.


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