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    Clarence Valley NSW Australia

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  1. Worthy to go over 100k….? Is that the right site to get it though??
  2. 👍 the pod looks unusually complimentary…
  3. And the best thing is someone designed it engineered it made it and installed it because sometimes the small things we take for granted today made a point of difference 60 years ago. fascinating!!!
  4. Wow I never knew such an option was in cars!! I have enough trouble with my heavy footed kids stomping by my turntable not to mention some of the pot holes in the roads around here are big enough to fish in..
  5. https://club.shannons.com.au/club/news/retroautos/design-to-driveway-buicks-1963-riviera/ If you enjoy this make sure you scroll down further into the comments as there are some xtra images!!!!
  6. That’s awesome too Bill! I think my idea will have to be left to Son to rework in the future perhaps. For now I’m all Silver and know will look cool too.😎
  7. Looking at this set up again and at the same time Luis and Heidi’s awesome silver 63 in the current Riview. I love their Ox Blood seats but sometimes I think all red or all silver or whatever is too much so I like your two tone to lessen the dominant colour. Now I want to see a silver car with silver door linings and red seats and carpet??? Dundee.
  8. Rubberised cotton gloves by the ten pack for cars. The job is possible don’t forget the video on the second one when you get it figured out your own way 🤪
  9. Red and white works for me! Both classy…
  10. Ed Many feel your pain….its been 2 years since I had those babies out and I don’t have the car here to even look at it. All I have is some cryptic notes in my book so I will hit you with them and cross my fingers something gels! Access panel off! Motor and arm in first Guide in next and position upper adjustment bolts to forward and bottom of slots. Put glass in back first push door guide away outward. Slot rollers and glass into track and push top adjustment up and back and allow glass down to lower stop. Fit lower window cam over arm roller and screw with curve facing forward. Fit rear cam to rear window roller. Then the adjustments start😵‍💫 God luck!!! PS without this guide removed I could never get the glass in or out!
  11. Silver with red very decadent!!!
  12. Thanks for your comments.. Well after wizzing around like a blue assed fly working around the car I realised I left there in such a rush I didn’t take photos of where we left off. After licking my wounds and paying the shop bill today, I think it would be fair to say we’re about stage 2 of 4 having dealt with some major components. Stage 3 the plan is to get the car running and Mobile so brakes brake lines drive shaft, check diff, exhaust and few more engine modifications including finishing off the AC with compressor and sliders for the vent controls. The seats went to the upholsterer to be stripped and come back to the factory to be repaired, Sandblasted, painted and then fit new seat buns and upholstery in silver vinyl from Clark’s. stage 3 feels like the biggest part, but sure stage 4 will include all the fiddly bits, trims etc. I have no doubt there will be lots more discoveries in between and look forward to sharing more as it progresses. ciao for now! PS Bill I used the new instrument dials though it did bump the mileage up 20k 😂
  13. Comments above x frame and good to know I am not alone…
  14. Just a reminder of where this all began!! I Found this 63 2 years ago in the hands of an owner who had been undergoing a restoration for 30 years and never drove the car and probably had done nothing toward its progress for the last 10-15 years. After my first 3 months of cleaning and sifting through everything that was dismantled and in boxes of parts mixed with other car parts. Engine believed to be rebuilt was half a job and trans similar, no exhaust, now discovering things like new brake master is incorrect as designed for front discs and all bolts and fixings a shit fight so just went to the bolt guy and best $59 ever spent, missing door trims, missing chrome, more missing parts and still today finding issues … Then in the extras department fitting a/c, dealing with a RH conversion that was less than tasteful at the time and all the time dealing with parts that are rarely in this country and after market stuff that is incorrect… I have to say In hindsight what was I thinking? Could have been driving some other classic by now but the look of that car and the fact it was something different attracted me. Naturally I went in hoping for the best and as much as possible expecting the worst and now I guess I am at some kind of mental half way point mostly due to cash supply not aligning with preferred time frame to complete the project. Add to that an assembly location 1000 miles from home because I wanted to have help I could trust but otherwise not allowing me to do a lot more myself. After 7 days in this round and looking at where we started and what involved dismantling and heading backwards for the first 2 days it doesn’t look like we have come that far and it is a reminder of what a car project involves. A tidy up tomorrow and plan for moving forward along with constant additions appearing on our never ending parts list, again which I will post once back home. Thanks for listening…
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