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63 Red Riv

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Everything posted by 63 Red Riv

  1. Very nice. My first car was a 68' Riviera, great to see one in such good shape. Best of luck, Brian
  2. Hey Guys, It worked, I was turning it every day while I let the engine warm. After 5 days the lights came on. Thanks for the advice. Brian
  3. Today was the first day with temps in the 50's since I got my car. Drove around with the windows down, it was a blast. Now I finally know what everyone has been talking about. These cars are great.
  4. You have a way with words Mr. Cannon
  5. Thanks Steve, I tried that several times but did not work for the dashboard lights. But it did for the courtesy lights. What would be the next logical move? Thanks, Brian
  6. I agree Ed, I think the variations are slightly different due to the application. Engraving like the " Built Expressly for..." Plaque, had its limitations as far as scripted fonts. I think its cool all the slight differences things had back then. With todays computers every thing is an exact clone. Brian
  7. Hey Martin, Yes there are subtle differences in the logo. The logo I sent was "cleaned up" scan from a "Built Expressly for..." plaque. I was going to do the same thing for my Riviera. I scanned a few different logos and they all had slight variations. Brian
  8. Hey Guys, Here is a large Riviera logo. I traced it off the Plaque from the picture you sent.
  9. Hey Guys, Got my '63 back 2 weeks ago. Had a complete engine rebuild. Have been driving and enjoying it when the weather permits. Tried to drive it last night for the first time in the dark. Headlights work, blinker works, interior lights work, but no dashboard lights. Where would be the best place to start? Fuses, bulbs? Don't know where to begin. Thanks, Brian
  10. Hey, Just got my 63' Riv back after an extensive rebuild. I purchased it in May searched for a recommended shop for the rebuild. Dropped it off in July, got it back last week after many delays. Runs great, very happy with the work. Still has some minor issues (I hope) that I will work on over the winter. I see many books online, was wondering which ones are the most recommended. This forum has been great, I have learned so much. I can't imagine what I would have done so far without all the information on this site. Brian
  11. Thanks Guys, Just got my Riv back from the shop where I had the engine rebuilt. Just in time to put it away for the winter. Maybe I can sneak a few rides before the snow. I have a list of projects to keep me busy over the winter. Thanks, Brian
  12. Does anyone have any tips on fixing the gas gauge on a 63' Riv? Thanks in advance. Brian
  13. Hey Winston, Thanks for the picture its a big help. I called O'Reilly and they said they did not carry them. I will check other auto part stores, I am sure they are out there. Thanks,again. Brian
  14. Hi, My mechanic is finishing up on my 63 engine rebuild. Before taking it apart he took dozens of pics for reference. He noticed there were no clamps on the fuel line filter (3 lines), are there supposed to be and does anyone know where I can get them? Thanks, Brian
  15. I agree bought a 68' when I was 17, my first car plenty of great memories. Now in my 50's, looking to buy another 68'. Came across the 63's and knew I had to have one. Purchased one in April, lots of work but I think it will be worth it.
  16. I always question when a mechanic calls. But this one was the right call. The previous owner for some reason drilled a hole in the face of the cover and then put a screw in it. The screw and the surrounding area had major corrosion plus all the other issues that come with 50 years of age.
  17. Thanks Bill, I called and he didn't have any good ones but I am keeping his number. Sounds like a great resource. Brian
  18. In the process of rebuilding my 63 nailhead. My mechanic called and said the timing cover is shot. Anyone know where I can get a decent used one or should I buy a new one? Thanks as always, Brian
  19. Thanks Jan, mine is also a California car, It does have A/C. Would the other radiator have something to do with having A/C?
  20. I am in the process of having my '63 401 rebuilt. A slow process to say the least. Just got the original radiator refurbished and it looks great. My mechanic called and asked if I knew if the smaller radiator mounted in front of the large one was original or an add on? Tried looking through some pictures but nothing definitive. Anybody have a clue? Thanks, Brian
  21. Having my 401 engine rebuilt, they cleaned it great, right down to the metal. Time to be repainted, just wondering where to get the correct silver paint for the engine?
  22. What would be the best way to straighten the glove box door. I removed mine, can't figure out if the hinges or the door itself is bent?
  23. It is pretty cool looking. I was thinking James Bond, but the Star Trek reference is spot on.
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