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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. Awesome! Now to go back to VA and try to win one :-) thanks!
  2. Thanks... Would love to hear from those regions of they seey post :-)
  3. Thank you for the explanation on how the award is given. So are there other states that do something similar?
  4. Yes, it's the State Bird and this one is an NC award. That's why i'm curious to see if other states do something similar.
  5. I'm not sure if I stated that correctly in the title, but what I'm curious about is state awards. For instance, North Carolina has the "Red Bird" award. What other states have something similar to it. I received my Red Bird when in HPOF if that helps to clarify things
  6. I, along with my husband and brother in law, took the Judge's Class with Reid at VA Beach this weekend and had a great time! We in turn, took the Apprentice Class on Saturday with Dain and "judged" our first cars. MAN is it stressful to knit-pick cars. But I for one, would love to help out at other meets and look forward to learning more and more each time. Thank you to all the judges who take the time to teach us "newbies" and the patience to answer all of our questions and give us the time necessary to learn the ropes. On a side note, other then being a judge, is there other areas that need help at the shows, such as Hershey?
  7. Just got home from the meet and my family and I had a FANTASTIC time!!! The show venue was amazing, the tour of the base was super great and informative. And the weather was perfect yesterday! Thank you Tidewater Region for doing such an amazing job putting this event together. When's the next event?!
  8. I'm driving my truck there so its gonna need a bath!! Anyone know of a self serve carwash nearby?
  9. Hole in the wall with good seafood would ve perfect! No name brands :-)
  10. Any locals... Can you recommend a good restaurant for dinner? Thanks ahead of time :-)
  11. Thanks so much! I've always loved VA Beach and am excited to be back there real soon!
  12. I know my family and I are looking forward to attending this show for the first time. I will be showing my Suburban in HPOF - and hopefully get another "Original" also as I did this past weekend in Charlotte. unfortunately, my brother in law won't be bringing his Packard, but will be there with his wife Question - how many years has this show been running? Also, I'm hoping participation increases over the next couple of weeks as seeing over 300 cars in Charlotte was awesome!
  13. I was originally planning on going just for the show, but now I think we will go for the Friday events too!
  14. Agreed! Thanks for a good show today - I had fun!
  15. Those details were helpful to me too - thanks Didn't realize it was such a big show! Looking forward to it even more now
  16. Is anyone planning on attending? I'll be driving out from Raleigh by myself. Hope to meet some others
  17. Even with the rain, MANY people walked by and admired the vehicles. It was very moving to see so many people out in the rain to get a good look
  18. Great photos!! Although no one got photos of my truck cause it was still dark and rainy at 7am lol My first time entering and I was excited to get onto the field lol
  19. I entered Hershey for the first time this year and had a GREAT time both at the show, the cocktail hour and then banquet! We met some fantastic people and look forward to many more years
  20. I also plan on going to the VA meet. Look forward to it since we went to Hershey this weekend and had a great time
  21. Thanks Steve! I called and got confirmation that I am registered. Thanks!
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