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Everything posted by mrcvs

  1. I had posted in the Maxwell section originally and one response and price was high. Where should I look and whom should I contact and what is a realistic price to pay?
  2. I am amazed at how on some of these TV shows, a teens or '20's car is fixed to running condition in short order. Perhaps money is no object. I have such a car in need of such parts. Not an incredibly valuable car, but quoted several hundred dollars for such mundane parts. Perhaps you have to pay the piper! Limited supply. What experiences and solutions to such a problem? Input desired.
  3. Wow, I asked that question already. Obviously, I needed this several months ago and didn't due anything as I traveled for work and now the garage is cold. I didn't even remember asking this question but now I do. I must be getting old.
  4. I believe these need replacing on my 1917 Maxwell. Where do you think I might find a replacement?
  5. What material was the clear portions of a sidecurtain?
  6. I was referring to GOV's for civilian Federal employees.
  7. PToday, GO's for civilian Federal employees tend to be subcompact cars, such as the Ford Focus or the Hyundai Elantra. A decrease in size from Dodge Avengers, etc. But when were such vehicles first utilized by the Federal government, typical make and model, and any ideas what the earliest government plates looked like and the evolution thereof to present form?
  8. mrcvs

    Maxwell 1915

    I took the serial number at the start of the year and the end of the year and interpolated as to when might have been produced. This assumes a constant production rate and is completely unscientific and could, in reality, be off by as much as several months.
  9. mrcvs

    Points for Maxwell

    Yes, that's the number I had written down and promptly lost. Thanks!
  10. mrcvs

    Maxwell 1915

    I asked because I misread your earlier statement --hopefully the OP's car is years earlier than yours and hence decent gears. My mind read this as differing gear quality within the same year and I wanted to see how close yours is to mine. The implication was how close is yours to mine, as in what are the odds mine might have stress fractures in the gears, without having examined them. Note: seven key not working. With a serial number of 1691eighty-seven, this interpolated as to late Setember 19Seventeen. The odds are probably not good.
  11. Curious how these were ever so popular back in the day--of course I love them! It seems to me, at least if they were still manufactured today, that these cars would be best suited as either seasonal cars or as a car in a southern climate. But, these were built in a day when multiple car ownership was fairly uncommon and ownership was not confined to southern climates. My Maxwell, for example, originated in Massachusetts. I suppose the canvas flaps existed, and these could be utilized in bad weather. But how common were these and what was used to enhance the field of vision in the day prior to flexible clear plastic, like that employed in a modern soft top Jeep Wrangler? Admittedly, the field of vision is already poor when I drive my Maxwell and I cannot imagine how bad it would be using the flaps. I go to auctions fairly regularly and I have never seen old flaps offered in a pile of "junk". Possibly the survival rate was that poor, but that seems unlikely. Would every touring car have shipped with these or would this have been an option? It seems that these would be common as I would think the amount of garage and barn space used exclusively for vehicle storage would have been far exceeded by the number of vehicles out there at that time. Also, just like today, one could take one's vehicle on an errand, park it, and come back to find the vehicle saturated (hopefully just exterior surfaces) due to an unexpected thunderstorm.
  12. Any ideas on where to find appropriate points for a Maxwell? Also, I had the number written down for a potential source of AC (not AC Delco) spark plugs and I have lost it. Any suggestions? Searching for AC spark plugs yields an overwhelming results volume for AC Delco so if any AC spark plugs are out there they get buried in the search.
  13. A lot of these cars would have lasted a lot longer if they weren't victims of WWII steel drives.
  14. mrcvs

    Maxwell 1915

    Howard, What is the serial number of your Maxwell? Thanks in advance.
  15. Bring it on, baby! I have seen photographs on this forum of a beautiful 1910 Maytag on this forum that, at current valuation, would make ownership in this lifetime by myself a virtual impossibility. Should interest, and therefore, value, plummet, it's a whole different ballgame!
  16. Others have stayed that there might be no heirs. Someone else stated they buy an antique every now and again, as prices have really crashed. Folks, the sad reality is that there may be heirs, and prices have crashed on all this stuff and will continue to do so. The younger generations don't want any of this junk. In the next few decades it's going to be a buyer's market for all this stuff, furniture, guns, even care. I have a beautiful tiger maple canopy bed circa 1835 I picked up at auction in April. Cost me $850. There's a sticker on the right end post where the previous owner wrote they bought it in 1985 and paid SIX THOUSAND dollars for it. That was fair market value then. I have a beautiful inlaid table from Baltimore circa 1800 I paid $2400 for. Previous owner bought it for $15000. Who knows. I might struggle to get a grand for it someday. Believe me, I enjoy antique cars (the earlier the better!), but if you think they are immune from this they are not. The younger kids don't want this stuff or, if they do, they are burdened by student loans. There just might be the day when an antique car, running/restored, bringing less than five figures, unless very unique or rare, might be the norm.
  17. Dumb question, but I don't know... Just noticed parts catalogue reprint states AC spark plugs. My mind was thinking AC Delco. Is this one and the same or two different spark plugs?
  18. Where does one obtain NOS spark plugs? Also, if not new old stock AC Type A?
  19. For an antique car? In this case, it's a 1917 Maxwell, but what's the principle behind it so that I can select a replacement spark plug for any vintage automobile, and not something I look up in a stock manual of specifications of replacement parts for recently manufactured automobiles? Right now, currently installed spark plugs are Champion.
  20. Has anyone read that book called Chasing Grandpa?
  21. Thank you! I noted it contains beveled glass. Maybe, as suggested, someone can post a photograph of this car. I don't know how to do it.
  22. Jimmy's car, Season 1 Episode 5, "Lady Chatterley" painted on the rear. What is it--make, model, and year?
  23. Near Allentown Pennsylvania. If you are familiar with this area, you will note that for whatever reason developers have built up this area with a vengeance lately and a small farm gets costly very quickly once there is any land involved and/or a place with any privacy is a rarity indeed! I'll lick this skunk sooner or later! It's just proving to be a bit more challenging than I expected. Nowhere near as bad as somewhere like Seattle though.
  24. UPDATE: I have joined the HCCA, and enjoy their Journal immensely. A year ago or so I turned down purchasing a beautiful 1913 Model T from a member of this forum as I did not have a place to store it. A wise move despite wanting that car as a decent property has not come along yet. Am confident that the "right" property will come along sooner or later and then I can have a place to store my "reasonably priced" pre-1916 automobile. The stumbling block is the property. Looked at what I believed was going to be a decent farm today but suburbia/urban sprawl abetted all corners of its modest acreage, so a no go, for now.
  25. The KD carburetor has got to be superior to the Johnson carburetor I had on my Maxwell. This spring I shall know for sure. If it doesn't work well, I'm going to probably install a Zenith carburetor. At least the KD has a brass float. The cork float in the Johnson carburetor would quickly fail to float as infiltrated with the poor quality of gas available these days.
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