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Posts posted by broker-len

  1. I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER--------Buy parts from any one untill I see a picture------you can always tell these scum bags,,,,,they are vague---------you can always tell if the person you are talking to is a car guy-----I use E Bay to sell stuff,,,,,got an E mail from sone one on an island off france,,,,,,they did have an E Bay account---but again,,,was too vague---and wanted to use Pay Pal-----------DOINT USE PAY PAL-----doint trusT BIG BROTHER eather

  2. If a gasoline cylinder has compression,,,,,,is getting the proper fuel down the manifold,,,,,the valves are closing,,,,,,it is timed properly,,,,,there are no vacumme leaks,,,,,and your getting spark at the right time,,,,,and the spark is getting to the plugs and not shorting to ground,,,,,,,,,,YOU CAN NOT KEEP IT FROM FIREING,,,,,,,,,,Just follow the steps and check every thing,,,,,,,,,some people start hitting a motor with all new parts and never just check the systems,

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